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The moment he went out the door, I hopped up and pressed the side of my face to the hard wooden door. I press hard against it, hopping to hear everything. Of course my face started to hurt due to the pressure, but I couldn't let a little pain stop me..

I heard the front door open, followed by footsteps rudely stomping in.

"Your late.." The voice sounded like a Middle Aged man.

"I know, but times are hard now.. I'll pay you soon, give me time." Vincent voice was heard, I knew that voice.. It's something I'll never forget.

"You told me that 3 weeks ago, bills need to be paid.." The unknown voice sounded mad and in a hurry.

"Yes, I'll pay you.. Give me tomorrow and I'll have your money.."

My heart skipped a beat knowing that someone was on the other side of freedom. It's hard not to scream for joy, when a chance to escape is right in the next room. I guess my excitement stopped my thoughts, and I did something without thinking..

I slowly open the door, and peeped out. Amazingly the door didn't make a sound, and that shocked me. Wooden doors are the ones that make the most noise.

A man stood by the front door. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he looked like a businessman. I could tell by his bright red tie, that was perfectly tied up, making him look more professional. He impatiently tapped his foot on the floor as he listened to Vincent's lies.

I tried to get the man's attention, by walking more out of the room and showing my face. At first he was staring right at Vincent who looked slightly annoyed with his sudden appearance. But soon his brown dark eyes travel to me.

"Who is that??" The man pointed to me and Vincent quickly turned around. "You said it was just you living up here! How many people do you have livening here!!" He snapped at Vincent.

Vincent looked at me, his eyes took a white color. But he did something that shocked me and made my body hurts with fear......he smiled...

Why smile?? I don't know why, but it was killing me inside to see him smile and not be raging in anger. I rather him give me his coolest stare then his insane smile... Something told me I probably pushed his last button..

"Well now.." He laughed.. "You just had to go and Fu*k everything up!"
The look of insanity spread in his eyes, making his smile widen..

"Vincent what's going on!!" The man yelled..

I stood in the end of the hall, starring at Vincent. He acted like the other man wasn't even in the same room, he only stared at me like if he was going to jump me any second. I brought my hands up to my face, wanting to hide the fear..

"I-I'm sorry.." I whispered in my hands..

He giggled a little before his voice almost made me collapse.

"Close your eyes.. I don't want you to see this." He didn't even sound normal anymore, almost like his insanity broke inside of him.

Who knew me just leaving a room could make him do this?? I covered my eyes with my hands, while my body continued to shake.

"Good girl.." I heard his feet turn around and I'm guessing he's facing the other man now.

"Vincent who is tha-" The man's voice was interrupted by a loud crash followed by a thump.

The loud and sudden noise made me jump and want to run away..

"Keep your eyes covered sweetest.." Vincent said in a oddly sweet way.

I heard something that sounded like someone was butchering a pig. Something kept slamming against the ground, and the sound of something twitching uncontrollably echoed on the ground. Something wet hit the walls and it started to feel like I was standing in water, only the water has thick. But the sounds made everything worse, it was killing me knowing something was happening and I wasn't aloud to see it look. The sounds reminds me of my first horror movie I ever watch. A large man with a sledgehammer bashed in a women's head in, but before she died her body twitched uncontrollably. My father told me that's how pigs look like before they die. I didn't eat meat for weeks after that.

After a while the sounds stopped and I heard his footsteps walking up to me, but something was dragging behind him..

"You can open you eyes now.." I felt his wet hands laid on my hands and he slowly pulled them away from my face.

I embrace myself of the horror imagine ahead of me.

Vincent's face saw splattered with bright red blood. It was all over him, and all over the room.. But he still kept that pure white smile on his face, making the blood not so noticeable. I felt my eyes widen making the threatening tears finally slip out.

"Shh.." He brought a bloody finger and pressed against my lips "Don't cry, he isn't going to take you away from me now.."

My body felt numb. That man died because of me... I couldn't even think, I was so numb in my feeling that I didn't feel Vincent pushed me into his chest..

"Your safe now.."

My head laid on his shoulder, revealing the bloody mess behind him. The man's head was part of the floor now. He didn't even have a face anymore, I wouldn't be able to recognize his body. His blood covered the whole room making me sick and wanting to throw up.. Just a few minutes ago that man was alive and waking. I felt my stomach twisted inside and I suddenly felt light headed. But I couldn't take my eyes off the man's mashed up body. No matter how hard I tried to push away my eyes would always land or him.

"Pumpkin? You don't feel so good??" Vincent started to rub my back.. "You feel really warm, do you have a fever!"

H-how could he ask that? A man's dead body is landing in his living room and he wants to see if I have a fever?! What if that man had a family?

"I think you need to lay down.." Vincent picked me up, I didn't say anything I was still paralyze..

I didn't move,talk, scream, or even fight back... I couldn't do anything, my body wouldn't let me..

"What's the matter? Finally see what I'm capable of?" He said with a chuckle.

Yes I did, and I just learned he isn't afraid to kill to get what he wants..

PurpleMan's Daughter 3 (Five Nights At Freddy's)Where stories live. Discover now