Follow The Rules

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*Violet POV*

Bb took me to a another room. It looked like a normal bedroom, it almost looked like the room I had back home.. Of course the windows were blocked off with hard metal, making it impossible to escape from them.

"Hold on." Bb voice took my attention off the room and onto him.

He walked over to a closet and quickly open it, his eyes went all directions trying to find the right dress. But eventually he found one, he carefully pulled it out. And show it to me, with a large smile on his face. It was a purple dress, it match my skin and hair perfectly. It had beautiful lace in the front, that made it look absolutely stunning. I never been a dressy type of girl, but this dress got to me.

"Your daddy wants you to wear this!" Bb informed, as he handed me the dress and pointed me to the bathroom to change.

I started to walk the Direction he pointed, but immediately stopped when I realized Bb was following me. I turned back around and gave him a confusing look.

"What? I have to watch you at all times!" He gave me a small smile.

He can't watch me change!! My face got a little hot from embarrassment, from the thought of him seeing me change.

"You can't watch me change!" I pointed out."I won't let you!!"

Bb smile widen in amusement "Okay, fine! I'll just stand by the door.."

I walked in the bathroom and closed door behind me. I started to get dressed which was hard, because the dress was really complicated and I couldn't figure it out at first. But once I got the thing on, I started to look at my surroundings and noticed a small glass window..

A plan struck me and fast...

The window didn't have any wood or metal covering it, but it was high up. Even if I tried to stand on my toes I couldn't reach it. I used the toilet to stand on, but I could barely touch the glass.I bet if I had the time I could reach it.

I hopped off the toilet, and locked the door. All I need is time, and that's what I'm going to get..even if I'm breaking the rules. The lock made a small tingling noise when I twisted it, making Bb suddenly worry..

"Hey!! Unlock the door!! Your breaking a rule!!" He yelled, as he tried to open the large wooden door.

I couldn't waste time, I hopped back on the toilet and put my feet just right so I could balance myself. I extended my little arms and stood on my toes, my hands were wide open ready to grab the windowsill..

"Please don't do this!! You daddy is coming!" Bb yelled much louder, as he continues to bang on the door.

I didn't listen, because I had a full grip on the windowsill and I tried to pull myself up..

"NO!! PlEASE!! HE'll PUNISH YOU!" Bb sounded like he was in tears..

He won't if I'm not here!! I fully pulled myself up and with one arm supporting me I pulled up the window. The fresh outside air blowed in my face, that was the sign of freedom to me!! I started to crawl out of the window, with happy thoughts in my head..

Suddenly the sound of a door being bashed open, filled my head with horrible thoughts.. I quickly tried to pull my whole body out the window, but my purple dress got stuck.. I yanked on it so hard I heard it rip in multiple places. I must admit, It was such a waste for a beautiful dress.

Once I was almost out of the window, I started to feel free. The thoughts of me returning to my Daddy and Mommy almost made me cry with joy..

But My Body was pulled violently back. Someone with large and strong hands, put a painful grip on my small waist and pulled me back again. And before I knew it, half of my body was already back inside the restaurant..

"NO!!" I screamed.. "SOME ONE HELP PLEASE!!"

I wriggle, kicked, screamed, cried, but nothing worked. The thoughts of freedom was ripped away from me and was replace with Pain and torture, that is soon to come.

"How dare you try and leave Daddy!" That voice almost paralyzed me..

H-he was back!! He is pulling me back!! The thoughts of what he was going to do to me made me struggle more.. I grabbed the side of the wall and tried to slow him down, but I was much to weak and I can't hold it for to long. There is no way I can be stronger then a grown man..

"Please no don't!!" I pleaded..

"The more you struggle, the more I'm going to make you scream in pain." He growled..

With that, he violently pulled me all the way back. I slammed into his hard chest and before I could even think about running his arms caged me in.. Freedom was gone..

"I'-i-I'm sorry!!" I cried "I'm s-so sorry!!"

He arms tighten and I could hear and feel his rapid breathing from anger..

"I won't do it again!! I-i promise!!" My cries got louder, because I knew no matter how much I beg and cry, he still going to hurt me..

My body began to shake in fear, and hot tears ran down my face. I tried to move, but his muscular arms were extremely strong. His body was hot from anger and I could hear his heart beating fast, making mind beat even faster..

"Your...your going to regret what you just did." I heard him grind his teeth together..

"I'm s-sorry..please don't hurt me!" I softly cried..

I saw him smirk at my pathetic useless cries..

"Hurt you?" He started to laugh, making my eye widen.

"Oh darling, hurting you isn't even close what I'm going to do with you." He looked down at me, his eyes filled with evil and anger..

"What I'm going to do to you is MUCH more painful then just hurting you.." His smile widen..

"Hurting you is too easy, but putting you in excruciating pain and long lasting torture might help." He said, as he slightly bends over and kisses my forehead. "Your going to have to learn the rules the hard way, because I will NOT raise a bad little girl."

"Don't Daddy..please I'll be good daughter.." I buried my face in his broad wide chest, my tears began to soak his jacket..

I felt his hand land on my back, and his heart started to slow down, maybe he'll change his mind since I called him Daddy..My hopes for not having punishment filled my heart..

"But, bad girls need to learn.."
His words where like a kick in the heart..

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