No more

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*The picture is the cover for my new book!! It was made by TheEmlynDavies

"You know.." Vincent smirked at me while I laid on the soft bed. My eyes where wide open with the image of the man's mashed in head, making sleeping impossible.. Vincent stood at the end of the bed and watched me, with a twisted smile of insanity.

"-I do believe you haven't told me you love me today.." Vincent continued as he sat down at the edge of the bed, still having his eyes on me..

I scooted away from him, in hopes to get out of the uncomfortable zone. Once again I made a terrible mistake. I felt a cold and large hand land in my waist, it happened so fast I gasped in shock. But before I could do anything else, my body was whipped around harshly and my eyes met with Vincent's..

"Do NOT try and move away from me!!" He was much closer to me now, and looked down at me with hurt and hate. "Now say it!! Or do you want the same treatment as that man??"

I quickly nodded my head *No*

"Then say you love me..." He snapped.

"I-I l-ove you!" My voice was shaken.

"You love who?"

I didn't want to say it. Every time I do my heart sinks and I feel like I'm betraying my real father. But if I don't listen, I know for sure I'll end up like the man in the other room.

"I love you...." I paused and swallowed hard , "..daddy.."

He smiled at me and reached over. He laid his large and wide hand on top of my head and started to rub, making my hair more of a mess. I tried hard not to look at him, but it was almost impossible.

"That's a good girl!" He said before leaning over to kiss my forehead.

His ice cold lips almost made me jump out of my skin. I felt more uncomfortable goosebumps grow on my arms and legs.

"That's MY good girl.." He mumbled to himself.

He moved his arms around my body and pushed me closer to him, before falling over on to the bed. He laid on his side and embraced me with his inhuman body temperature. My face was now mashed against his wide chest again, while his chin laid on top of my head. He let out a loud and clear yawn and shifted his body to get comfortable with me. I heard his breathing become slower with ever second, and heard his heart pick a steady pace.

No, no no!!! I can't sleep next to him!! He can't fall asleep!! My skin feels sore and itchy being next to him!

I-I think I'm going to be sick..

Please God.. Please don't let him sleep. I won't be able to be this close to him for long.

He let out another yawn, this time softer and low. I think that's when I snapped... I started to cry softly. The feeling of being helpless and weak got to me hard this time. I pushed my head away from his chest and laid my head on the pillow, in hopes to get comfortable to sleep this away. But my tears made my face wet and hot, making sleep impossible right now. The odd thing was I couldn't stop crying. I tried but it would get worse...

"Shhh.." Vincent's voice put my tears to a stop, and my heart silent.He looked down at me, with a emotionless face.

"Don't cry.." He added.

He put his hand up and use his thumb to wipe away my cold and wet tears. It took a couple wipes to get all the tears away, but he eventually got all of them. Once he saw he got all of my tears, he put his hand on the back of my head and returned my head back onto his chest. Expect this time he kept his hand on my head, making sure I couldn't move away again.

"I don't wanna hear you cry again tonight.." His words came out muffled as he pressed his face on top of my head. "So, no more till we go back to the restaurant, then you can cry as much as you want."

Trust me when I go back to the restaurant, I'm crying to Freddy and Bonnie.. I miss them more then anything right now.

I wonder if they are worried? No, they are probably out raged.


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