Lets Be Friends

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*Violet's POV*

The man's head was leading against the swing chain, he was looking straight at me, like if he was studying me. He was grinning to ear to ear. He looked almost fake. His white teeth and white eyes matched perfectly in with his skin.

"Violet, it's so good to finally meet you." His voice was deep and was perfect for his appearance.

I didn't say anything back, I was too shocked to see someone like me.. To the point I almost didn't realize he knew my name!!

"Darling, there is so much you need to learn.." My skin felt cold, when his eyes explored my face. I felt like he was going to attack me any second.

I suddenly got scared of this man.. Something in my head told me to run far away from him. I got up from my swing and went to grab my things. Trying to leave him behind..

"Violet, don't go. I just want to be...friends.." He said with a little bit of anger hidden in his voice. I could feel his eyes burn on my back. He was getting mad and making me shiver. I wanted to leave more faster and never meet this man again.

"Please, let's be friends." His voice suddenly turned dark.

That was all I heard, till something like cloth wrapped around my mouth and blocked out my screams of help. I inhaled to scream louder but stopped, something on the cloth made my throat and nose sting.

I cried for help, kicked and tried to push him away. But I was nothing compared to a grown man.. No one can hear me, I'm to far in the background. I started to cry when my body weaken and he started to take me away from my school. He picked me up and carried me effortlessly, my head was now laying on his shoulder making his shirt wet from all the tears. I watch my school start to disappear, and I could do nothing about it. No one saw me get kidnapped, no one heard my screams.. No one knows I'm with a strange man. It will be awhile to they even find out I'm missing..

"P-p-please let me go!!I managed to whimper out.

The drugs affected my body to the fullest, I couldn't move and felt sleepy. The man ignored my pleads, and before I knew it I was being put in the back seat of a car. My body rested on the cold hard seats, making me more sleepy.

"I-I want t-t-to go h-home .." I cried out before finally falling to sleep..

Sorry for spelling and grammar :)

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