Violet's Sorrows

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*Kate Pov*

Everyone was rushing around the house. Mike was packing lunches for the kids first day of school, Mikey was running around looking for his shirt, while Violet sat down on the couch and waited for everyone to hurry up. I didn't have much to do, so I sat next to her.

She looked at the ground, looking sad and nervous. But her beautiful light purple skin still shined..

"What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked

She bit her tongue and looked at me. Something was definitely bothering her..

"What will kids think about me?" She asked in her sweet tone..

I was startled when she asked me that.

"What do you mean?"

Her brown eyes widen, tears threading to spill out..

"You know what I mean!! My purple skin! They will think I'm a freak!" She suddenly cried out.

You could tell this has been bothering her for a long time. I didn't want her to be scared to go to school. She is already extremely smart! She already knows her ABCs, she is better then me at math, she can read like its no problem, Plus she can play the piano...

"Darling..." I choked.

She was right. I know for a fact kids will make fun of her. Maybe Mikey can help her.. Mikey never got Purple skin, his skin is more a red color, but you could barely noticed..

"You'll make a friend." I said trying to comfort her.. It wasn't working well..

When was she going to tell me she was worried about this? It seems like she has been thinking about this for awhile.

"It doesn't matter anymore.." She looked back at the ground and wiped away her tears...

I wanted to say something to comfort her, but I knew there was nothing I could say...

Heck, I still get stared at for having Purple skin. I can't go anywhere without someone whispering about me.. Sometimes Mike will explode and point people out and tell them to stop staring or something.


I remember me and Mike took the kids out for a walk to the park. The kids were still young and we had them in Scrollers. It was a nice day, and Mike was talking about maybe getting a dog for the kids. I wasn't paying attention. I was too focused on the looks I was getting.. Some people looked scared others looked disgusted. It made me want to grab my kids and walk away.. It wasn't just me getting looks, it was Violet too. Her purple skin was darker then mine and was extremely noticeable.

"Kate? Are you okay?" I turned my attention back on Mike, who looked worried..

"Yea, it's just all these people keep looking at Violet." I pointed out..

Mike looked around and noticed all the people. He was about to say something till a white flash from a camera took over our vision for a moment.

He turned around to see a man taking pictures of Violet and me..

"Dude what Freak show are you from?" The man asked me with a smirk. "Oh, and what is that thing?" He pointed to Violet who was sound asleep in her scroller..

"Is it even human?" He laughed still pointing to Violet..

Suddenly Mike flew pass me and went straight after the Guy. Mike grabbed the man's camera out of his hands..

"Mike!! Stop!" I shouted..

But he didn't listen to me, before the man could get away Mike mashed the camera in the man's face, causing the man to fly backwards and hit the ground hard. Mike didn't stop at that. He kept hitting him with the camera, till the man was knocked out on the ground bleeding.. After Mike finally stop, he spit on the man's twitching body..


"Okay guys! Time to get in the car!" Mike shouted.

I got up from the couch and walked Violet to the car. Mike was already in the car with Mikey, I'm guess they were taking about some crazy stuff, because when I got in the car to put Violet in they got quiet..

"What where you two boys up too?" I asked, while putting Violet's seatbelt on.

"Nothing!" Mikey giggled, he was a such horrible lier..

"You wouldn't lie to you poor old mother would you?" I faked teared up.

I got in the car and looked at the back seats to look at my beautiful children..
Mikey face and was red, you could tell he really wanted to tell me something.. While Violet looked out the window..

"Daddy told me how to beat up people if they mess with me or my sister!" Mikey shouted, and then slapping his hands over his mouth..

"Gosh darn boy!" Mike laughed.

I flipped back in the front seats and face Mike..

"You can't keep secrets from me.." I grinned..

"Yeah.." He smiled, while starting the car.

We started our way to our kids new school. Violet looking scared.. I looked at Mike, he knows what's going on with Violet.. We both hate to see her like this... At least she doesn't have to see her grandfather..

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