What will I do

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* Violet Pov*

I couldn't leave Vincent's house until I was fully healed. So that means I have to stay indoors with a crazy man, who could snap at any given moment. He refused to let me get up and walk around. He wanted me right in bed, but looking at a white celling gets really boring.

"Good morning sunshine!!" Vincent opened the room's door.

The smell of some type of Food filled the air, making me suddenly feel hungry.

"Thought you would be hungry." He added.

I sat up in bed and tried to focus on being nice to him. He had a tray filled with food and flashed me a perfect smile to add with it.

"You haven't tried to leave your bed have you?" He asked while siting at the edge of the bed. He carefully put the tray of food on my lap.

"No.." I said softly.

"Good!" He cheered. "I want my sweetheart to be healed up and perfect again!!"

My sweetheart... That's funny, just wait till I find I way to escape him!! Then I won't he HIS sweetheart anymore.

"Eat, I don't want to see any leftovers." He pushed the tray closer to me.

The food looked delicious and my stomach hurts so bad, that I could probably dolphin dive right in. I picked up a small fork and slowly ate the pancake he had made with chocolate chips.

When was the last time I had sweets?! My mouth seemed to burst with the flavor and I couldn't get enough of it! I could eat this all my life!! I quickly swallowed down for another bite, I didn't realize how really hungry I was till I started to eating!

"See! I knew you were hungry!!" He paused. "Has Bb been feeding you?"

I stopped eating at the thought of Bb.. He creeped me out. Was he trying to help me or just follow orders from Vincent? He was a very hard person to read.

"Yeah.." I relied and sat the tray of food on the desk beside the bed.

"Good, that's the only reason I built him. To make sure your fed and still alive." He informed me... "I would have to destroy him if he fails.."

Wait? He..he built Bb for me?? Dose Bb know about this?

"But I'm still I'm having a hard time destroying the old animatronics.." He looked at the ground with a wide smile. "I kinda don't wanna get rid of them..we go WAY back.."

What did he mean by that? He looked at the ground like if he was looking back on a deep memory. He smile widen each second, something told me whatever he was thinking about wasn't good.

But he was ripped away from his thoughts when a knocking could be heard. My first though was the Front door.

"Who could that be?!" He looked shocked and slightly worried.

Someone is here!! Someone...Someone can help me!! They know there is a house back here! Maybe if I scream.. NO!! I can't the room is soundproof.. I just can't let my only hopes of escaping leave me!!

Vincent shot me a dirty and mean look, it was almost like he knew what I was thinking. It gave me shivers down my back and made large goosebumps appeared.

"Stay here. Don't even think about moving." He snapped.

It's amazing how fast his mood can change.. He got up from the bed and made his way towards my door.

"If I come back and your not in this room.." He paused and I saw a glimmer in his eye, but his chuckle made it disappear. "Well, I'm lucky these walls are soundproof.."

I think for a moment fear was bouncing off my body.. I couldn't even think right anymore. What will he do this time? Will it be as bad as last time or worse? Is trying to escape him really that worth it? If he catches me I'm screwed and Freddy is not here to help me..

Vincent saw me lost in thought and purposely slammed the door shut to knock me out of it. I heard his footsteps walked down the hall and disappear.

What- what should I do?

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