Uninvited guests

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As we were dancing I could've sworn I saw some fangs coming out of Sunghoon's mouth as he smiled excitedly. Maybe he had natural fangs. Or maybe I was already so drunk that I started hallucinating.

I tried thinking of excuses because this couldn't be real. Vampires and those other creatures don't exist in real life. Even tho I would've loved that as I was a big fan of mystic creatures and fantasy in general.

I glanced at Jay and Jungwon for what felt like the 100th time, this time tho, I was sure that something was definitely off.

Jungwon's POV

"Are you sure?"

Jay nodded. Great. It couldn't get any worse. I scanned the room and found y/n looking at us, her facial expression showed concern. I tried to smile so that she wouldn't think something might be wrong.

I looked back at Jay.

"Tell the others. And don't make it obvious. They don't need to know that we're aware of their presence." he nodded and made his way towards the other boys. I sighed.


How were they able to find this house without having an adress?


"I'm going to use the restroom real quick." I told Sunoo and left to find it. I needed a break as my social battery was slowly running out. It was at the end of the hallway in a separate, empty room. Findig it took longer than I thought it would.

I took a deep breath, stared at the mirror for a while and made my way out of the restroom. At the door I was greeted by Heeseung, who scared me with his sudden presence. I gasped and took a step back as he stood right in front of me.

"Heeseung. You scared me!" My hand was on my chest, trying to calm down my heart.
He stared at me with a cold expression on his face. It scared me even more.

"What are you?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

He kept staring at me with this numb expression. It felt like he was trying to see through my eyes into my soul. I felt uncomfortable, wanting to run away.

"Heeseung hyung."

He turned around and I let out the air I was unconsciously holding in.

It was Jungwon, who called him.

"We need to talk. Now!" his tone was demanding, different from his soft and sweet voice I've got to know. Without looking at me they both left.

My knees felt wobbly and I grabbed a nearby table as a support or else I would have sunk
on my knees. Whatever this was, it scared the hell out of me.

But what actually gave me goosebumps was this feeling of being watched by someone. I looked around but there was no one with me. Just when I was about to step out into the hallway, I felt a light breeze on my neck. I turned around so fast that I saw black for a moment.

There he was. Standing in the shadows in the corner of the door to the restroom, his eyes were glowing yellow.

It was silent. As if the world froze for a moment. Only my breath could be heard, heavy breaths. It felt like this person stood right beside me but still so far away.

I wasn't able to move. If someone would have screamed at me to run, I wouldn't have been able to do so. It was as if my soul left my body. And this silence, this suffocating silence made every second worse.

Suddenly someone grabbed my hand, scaring me so much that I let out a small scream. A hand covered my mouth and I was pulled out of the room into the hallway, pushed to the wall with my back.

"Shhh. It's me. Don't be scared."

He removed his hand from my mouth and looked at me for a moment.
I couldn't say anything as I was still in shock. Then he broke the silence.

"Come with me, we need to talk."

I nodded slowly and he grabbed my hand again, leading me to an empty room.
The person, who was in the room with me just now disappeared as I looked at where he stood a second ago.

Once we entered a quiet and empty room, Jungwon immediately locked the door. I couldn't bear it anymore so I let out what was going through my mind.

"What is going on here, Jungwon?! This isn't a normal birthday party is it? And why is everyone acting so weird and...and mysterious?"

No answer.

„JUNGWON! TELL ME WHATS GOING ON FOR GODS SAKE!" I got louder, my voice and body shaking. I just wanted to run away but I was paralyzed. I just wanted to scream but no one would hear me through the loud music.

Jungwon noticed me shaking and wanted to comfort me but I stepped back. He got hurt by my action, I saw it in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, y/n." Regret, anger, guilt. It all could be seen in his facial expression.

"This wasn't planned at all and you shouldn't have gotten into all of this."

"What are you even talking about Jungwon?"

He looked me in the eyes.
"You already know it."

I wish I didn't. I really wished for myself that I never noticed. I could just play dumb. Pretend I never saw a thing but I couldn't. It was already too late for that.

"Say it." he took a step towards me.
This time I didn't step back.

"Say it, y/n."


I gulped down this heavy lump in my throat.
"You're a vampire."

Another cliffhanger I'm sorry 🙈
How did you guys like it so far? I would love to get some feedback. And what do you think will happen next? Will something happen to y/n after she found out? Or will she try to get out of this house and leave everything behind as if nothing happened?

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