"She is crazy, isnt she?"

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Sunoo's POV

„Let's go."

We stood in front of a tiny, lichened house.
Its white walls were covered with so many lichens that you could barely see the door.

Niki and I made our way to the doorstep and I rang the doorbell. Not even a few seconds later, the door opened by itself and welcomed us into the house.
I looked at Niki for a split second to make sure he was following me and made my way towards the living room. The door closed behind us with a loud thud.

"What brings you into the house of a witch, vampire?"
A little girl, around the age of 12, stood in front of us and eyed us suspiciously.
"Limeria, we greet friends nicely."
A middle aged woman appeared behind her and smiled at me.
I bowed slightly. "Sorry to bother you, Luna. But we need your help."
"Follow me." The woman lead us downstairs to her basement.

It was equipped with many things a witch needs to perform their witchcraft with.
A typical, big pot with colorful substance in the middle of the room, jars with all kinds of herbs and animal remains, gemstones and many other things I couldn't name.

"What's the matter?" She asked while stirring up something purple colored in the pot.
"Jungwon got hurt pretty badly and even if he won't admit it, he is in a bad state. Mother uses his weakness to play with his mind and to spy on us. We need something to shield him from her powers."

"And why exactly should I risk my life by working against her?" Luna eyed us critically.
"You'll risk your life either way because she will make sure every witch and creature, who is not of her species, will die."
I could tell that she was thinking about my words but something made her hesitate to agree to help us.

"Celeste isn't one to mess around with. But you're right. I'll risk my life either way and I better risk it for the good."
I felt Niki beside me releasing his breath as he got relieved when she agreed. I shared his relief and was happy that we got one of the most powerful witches on our side.

She then started mixing different ingredients together. I saw her taking out several chopped herbs, all with a different shape and color. She added some bones and mist and other stuff that was unfamiliar to us and made me kind of curious.
"Is that a cat's bone?"
She abruptly stopped in her tracks and looked at me with widened eyes.
Did I say something wrong?

"Cats are sacred to us witches since ancient times. If a witch dares to kill a cat..." she looked into the distance, deep in thoughts.
"You'll be punished for the rest of your life. I could and would never. This is just some useless frog leg." She finished her sentence and started mixing that weird looking substance again.
I gave Niki a worth knowing look and he replied with a "she is crazy, isn't she?" look. I rolled my eyes at him and hit him playfully.

After she was done, she handed me a small glass bottle with a golden substance in it.
"It will not help him recover quicker but it will give him strength and a clear mind to block her out."
I thankfully took the glass bottle and bowed to her again. She just waved it off: "no need to thank me for that. Just make sure this b!tch rots in hell and won't kill us all."

I gave her a smile "you can count on us."

After exiting Luna's house we made our way out of her property but didn't get very far.
Two boys blocked our way with a heavy expression on their faces.
"K hyung." Niki exclaimed surprised, and K smiled at the younger one.
"Long time no see."


I'm finally back with a new chapter ^^
Idk if some of you actually waited for it or not...but here ya go

Hope this story isn't boring. I'm trying my best 🙂
Thanks for reading until here. Hope y'all continue to read the next chapters when I publish them and stick around for a bit longer <3
Enjoy 😊

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