One step closer

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I stared at the ceiling, deep in thoughts.
When I entered the house after my talk with K, my mum wasn't around. She left a note saying she was grocery shopping and that I shouldn't blame myself.

I couldn't help myself tho, thinking everything that has happened the day I got involved at Jungwon's birthday party was my fault.

It was past midnight as I looked at my alarm clock. I couldn't get any sleep as I was thinking about what K said, about what happened with my mum and about Claire's words.

Betrayal is closer than you think.

Why can't she for once tell me what she meant instead of all these riddles. Frustrated I tossed and turned around in my bed, trying to forget all these thoughts and get some sleep.

Y/n. Wake up.

I felt a tickle on my nose. Blinking, I slowly opened my eyes. And there she was. As if she never died.

"Claire. What's wrong? Why are you here? A- And how are you here?"

A chuckle was heard from her.

I may be dead but I'm still a witch. Now, listen to me y/n. When the moon turns red, darkness will take over the world.
Split into two it won't do any harm but you have to make a sacrifice. Beware of a friend that pretends to be on your side.

"Claire I don't get this. Can't you just tell me what will happen?! Please!"

Trust your heart. You will make the right choice.

"Wait! Claire! CLAIRE!"

Darkness. Then I suddenly woke up in a forest. Confused, I looked around just to find myself in the middle of nowhere. There was nothing but trees.


Silence followed. The only thing that could be heard was my own voice echoing through the forest.

I looked up to the sky and gasped. It was blood red. I heard a snap behind me and screamed as a wolf appeared right in front of me.

But he wasn't looking like he would want to harm me. I calmed myself down and observed the wolf. He signaled me to follow him.

So I did.

He was leading me out of the forest to a cliff and I stopped right at the end of the forest to watch him climb up to the highest spot. The blood moon right behind him made this scene look weirdly beautiful. I stared at him in awe.

Then he suddenly started to howl. Shivers were sent down my spine. He came running towards me and I fell backwards, shielding myself but he didn't attack me.
Instead, he ran away, leaving me all alone again.

I was breathing heavily, trying to stand up but tripped over something. Then I screamed.

"No. No, please.."

It was an arm. But not just any arm. I stared right into some pair of dark brown eyes and I would've recognized them anywhere.

"Jungwon!" I crawled towards him.

His face and body were covered in blood, his skin paler than it naturally was. And his lifeless eyes stared at me, widened in fear.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Panicking, I stood up and took some steps backwards but I tripped again and this time it was Sunghoon's body.

Suddenly they all appeared on that cliff. Their lifeless body's covered in blood. I recognized Jay, Niki, Sunoo and Heesung. The rest was a blur.

"No!" I screamed into the night. Tears running down my face. The ground I was sitting on felt sticky and moist and I realized I was sitting in a pool of blood. I just wanted to run away and disappear from this horrific scene.

Suddenly I felt my body shaking. My vision got blurry and I fell to the ground.


I woke up to my mums voice shouting my name. She was grabbing my shoulders with both her hands, shaking me so that I would wake up.

I looked at her, her face showing fear and panic.

"What- what happened?"

"You were screaming and your body was shaking. I thought it must have been a dream but I was scared that.."

She didn't finish her sentence but I knew where this was going.

"I'm fine mum. It was just a nightmare. Nothing else. I promise."
I tried to hide my distraught expression and fear about this nightmare and played it off.

"What happened?"

"I-" I hesitated to tell her. I didn't want to worry her anymore but I couldn't keep everything a secret from her as well. I sighed but before I could answer her she started to talk.

"You have to go back to them, don't you? It's almost time."

I looked at her in disbelief. How did she know?

"I'm your mum. Of course I know." She said as if she could read my thoughts. She must've seen my confused expression.

"I don't know exactly what's going to happen but since the day you were born I always knew you were meant for something bigger. Something special. Even with that dark side of yours I know you will bring back the good to this world. Your fate isn't sealed. You can still change it. I believe in you y/n. And I love you, always remember that..."

She stopped and looked at me with a sad expression. Then she continued:

"And your father did too." I pulled her into a hug and heard her sob quietly. It was the first time in forever that I heard my mum cry like this.

"Never forget you're something special."

"I'm a Castair." I mumbled into my mums shoulder and smiled. That's what grandma always used to say.

I couldn't get any sleep that night. Afraid I would be sent back to this forest.

"It's time." I gave my mum a last hug and stepped out of the house. K was waiting across the street, a small smile plastered on his face. It looked rather genuine than mischievous like before.

She waved me goodbye and I knew that she would watch me til I was out of sight, not wanting to let go of me.

If I could I would've ran back to her, forget about all of this and just live a normal life. But it was my fate to fight against Celeste. And hopefully save everything instead of destroying it.

"Good morning."
I replied with a quick "morning" to K.
He looked at me for a moment before saying what was on his mind.

"You're having doubts about something aren't you?"

"I actually wanted to ask you something." I replied and he waited for me to continue.

"How did you know where the boys were at when they went to find the cube? You never told me."

He seemed nervous and closed his eyes as if he was contemplating something. He opened them again after a few seconds and gave me a serious look.

"We had some help from someone within your group. Sunoo and I had a deal-"

"Sunoo? He betrayed us?"

"What? No. No, he didn't. He broke the deal. That's the point. It wasn't him. It was someone else."

"Who was it, K. Tell me. Now."
Even before he told me his name, I knew it all along. I felt it since the day he helped me with Jungwon.

"It was Jake."


What a plot twist 🤭
Why Jake 🤔
Guess we'll find out soon

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