Stranger within

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"He needs to rest. We have to wait until Sunoo and Niki come back. And you should rest too, Heeseung."

"Alright alright. But tell me if anything happens." He sighed defeated and I nodded, pushing him towards his room.

Back in the living room, Sunghoon and Jay, who sat with Jungwon, stood up and made their way towards their rooms as well.

They all needed a break. Except for Jake. He came back with a glass of water, handing it to me. Surprised, but thankful for his kindness, I took the glass of water.

"Why aren't you taking a break. I can watch over Jungwon."

He shook his head in response and waved it off. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I just want to make sure he's okay."

I nodded. I watched Jungwon for a few seconds, deep in sleep. Then, I leaned closer to Jake, staring right into his eyes.

"Should I tell you a secret." I whispered and he eyed me confused.

"I can tell when someone is lying." I continued and waited for his reaction. And I was right. He tensed up at my words and his eyes tried to avoid mine.

There was a moment of silence. I stared at him for a while, observing his figure. He was nervous.
I cleared my throat to break the silence and smiled at him.

"You're not fine. Go get some rest."

I saw him being relieved when I said this.

"Y-yes. Thank you. You're right. I ehm, I will go get some rest."
He stood up, stumbling upon his words. He then turned around to make his way towards his room.

I watched him disappear out of my sight.

I didn't mean that he lied about being fine. He lied about something else. But I couldn't figure out what and why.

End of flashback

"Jake?" I mumbled. I didn't want to believe it. All this time my suspicion was right. But he was so kind...

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. He just told me he wanted to be seen. I don't get what he meant by that."

"We have to hurry. The others don't know it."

Suddenly, K stood there in shock as if he just remembered something.
I could hear him mumble an 'oh no'.

"What's wrong?"

"The cube. I saw how Jake took it before I left. He must've told Jungwon he would keep it safe."

"WHAT? We have to go!" Without even saying another word we both ran down the street towards where the boys lived, panicking that it might be too late.

K and I were running as if the world was collapsing behind us. I was out of breath and my legs were getting weaker but I ran. Without the cube we would loose everything dear to us. I couldn't let that happen. Celeste mustn't get hold of the cube.

We reached the door step and I was about to bang on the door so they would open up but instead I ran straight into Jungwon's arms, who was about to step out of the house.

He eyed me confused but it turned into relief the moment he realized it was me.

"Y/n,'re back!"

"There's no time. Where's the cube? We have to stop Jake and work together and we can't let Celeste win because Jake has the cube and wants to give it to her.." I stumbled upon my words as I frantically tried to explain everything.

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