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The jarring sound of the baby working up to a full cry came over the video monitor and woke him from his sleep. He looked to the side and saw that his wife was practically in a coma, which wasn't surprising after their first week with a newborn. He climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb her, and exited their bedroom. The nursery was down a long hall, and as he walked, he pulled off the t-shirt he'd been sleeping in. Their doula had emphasized the importance of skin to skin contact, so whenever he held his infant, he liked to be bare-chested.

"Hi, princess," he said softly as he stepped into the beautifully decorated room. "Daddy's here."

It was unlikely that Piper was hungry, given that she'd eaten only an hour ago, so after lifting her from the crib, he placed her on the changing table and checked her diaper. It was soiled, as was her pale pink cotton sleeper. He stripped her down and got her cleaned up, using a ridiculous number of baby wipes, and then put on a fresh diaper. She looked up at him with bright eyes, and he knew it might take some work to get her back to sleep. Instead of putting on new clothes, he gathered her in his strong arms and carried her to the chair in the corner. Sitting down, he placed her against his chest, put his feet on the ottoman, and began gentle moving the rocker as he rubbed her back.

He'd only known this tiny little human for seven days, yet his love for her was stronger than anything he'd ever felt. Tears prickled the corners of his eyes as he became overwhelmed with emotion.

"Everything that's happened...the good and the bad...it's all worth it," he whispered before kissing the top of her head. "Holding you is all the affirmation I need. I know I've made some huge mistakes and I've got a list of regrets long enough to fill a book, but you're here now and everything is going to be just fine."

The words were easy enough to say. Believing them was another matter entirely.

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