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The bar was crowded, but Shawn and Taryn were able to find seating at the back.

"What can I get you?" the weary waitress asked. She looked to be in her seventies, which explained why she didn't recognize the celebrity sitting in front of her.

"I'll have a double rye with a splash of ginger ale, please," Taryn said.

"Make that two, but hold the ginger ale in mine," Shawn replied. He preferred his whiskey straight up.

After the server left, they settled back into the velvety lounge chairs. Most of the people around them appeared disgruntled, which was understandable given that their travel plans had been ruined by the snow storm.

Taryn looked at Shawn, whose face was illuminated by the flickering faux candle on the round coffee table, and thought to herself that he got more handsome every time she saw him. When they'd first met he'd been practically bald and frequently had a pinched expression. Over the course of their first year together, he'd relaxed and had returned to the man he'd once been. Now, many years later, his countenance was still evolving in a very positive way.

He caught her staring and smiled. "Are you counting the wrinkles on my face?" he teased.

"No. I was thinking to myself that it's unfair that men get better with age while women just get old."

"That's not true at all," he argued. "Every time I see you, I'm struck by how much more beautiful you've become."

"I think you need to get your eyes checked," she laughed.

"My vision is perfect."

She felt her cheeks turn pink and was relieved when the waitress returned with their drinks. Taking a sip, she felt herself relax as the amber liquid warmed her from the inside. "That's a decent rye."

"It is," he agreed. "Can you identify the brand?"

"It's Bulleit."

"Such confidence."

Taryn shrugged. "I've been in the bar business a long time. I could be wrong since the soda changes the flavor slightly, but I'd be willing to bet I'm right."

"Okay. Let's make a wager," he suggested.


He leaned forward slightly. "Why not?"

"Loser pays the tab?"

"I'm paying no matter what, so that's not gonna fly."

She shot him a look. "Why is it assumed that you're paying?"

When he realized he was doing it again, he backpedaled. "Tricia made the room reservation and you two also bought the pizza, so it's only fair. If you want to split the check, that's cool."

"Fine," she said, sensing he was making an attempt to not steamroll her. "You can pay this round, but if we have another, it's on me."

"Deal. Now what are we betting?"

Taryn gave it some thought. "The winner gets to ask the loser any question and it has to be answered honestly."

She could ask him anything already, but it would be great to have her put down her wall so that he could peek into her life. "Sure. That works. We'll find out about the liquor when we pay the bill so that the question can come at the end."

Their glasses were soon empty and when the waitress returned, they ordered two more. As they sipped them, Shawn regaled Taryn with funny stories about Piper. She laughed hilariously at one anecdote revolving around the little girl insisting that Daffy should be potty trained, too.

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