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The adults were standing around the kitchen in the Mendes-Rayment home enjoying a charcuterie board and some drinks while the kids and Hendrix played in the basement, when the doorbell sounded.

"Package delivery?" Tricia asked.

Karen shrugged. "Maybe. Can someone get it? I need to check the turkey." She held up her hands which already had oven mitts on them.

"I'll answer it," Taryn said as she started towards entrance. "Maybe it's carolers!"

She opened the door and was shocked to see Shawn, Yasmin, and Piper.

"Taryn?" he asked, his eyes wide with shock.

"Wow...um...hi." She stepped aside so they could come in out of the cold.

"I didn't know you'd be here," he said nervously as he avoided looking at his wife, who was probably very unhappy with this unexpected turn of events.

"It was pretty last min-" she started before the entire Mendes family rushed into the foyer.

"I thought I heard your voice!" Karen said happily as she hugged her son and kissed Piper.

Manny embraced Yasmin. "Wonderful to see you! This is fantastic!"

"Yaz surprised me with the trip today," Shawn explained as he hugged his sister and brother-in-law.

Taryn backed out of the tiny space and took her mom by the elbow, leading her into the kitchen. "We should leave. This is going to get really awkward really fast."

Patricia shook her head. "I feel like it's worse if we run away. Surely we can all sit through dinner and behave like mature adults."

Taryn chewed her lip. "I guess."

The kids and Hendrix came charging up the stairs. "Uncle Shawn!" a chorus of voices called out while the dog started jumping and barking excitedly.

Taryn stepped in and took Hen by the collar and pulled him to the basement door, where he dutifully went back downstairs.

"Dog dog!" Piper cried out.

It took some time to get the new arrivals' coats off and their luggage upstairs. By the time everyone reconvened in the kitchen, the turkey was ready to come out of the oven.

"This needs to rest, so let's have some wine and cheese while we catch up," Karen said.

No introductions had been made when his family arrived, though they were probably unnecessary so it didn't really matter. Shawn expected to find Jules at the gathering, and his absence made him wonder if something had happened. Then again, he was a doctor and might be working, which may have been why Taryn and Tricia were invited in the first place.

Aaliyah put an arm around Taryn and whispered, "You okay?"

She definitely wasn't, but she put on a smile and nodded. As she looked around at everyone, she could tell that Yasmin felt even more uncomfortable than she did, though she was clearly trying not to show it. She had her arm locked with Shawn's and was plastered against his side. Taryn was blown away by how the young woman was even more gorgeous in person and what a beautiful a couple they made.

The kids went back down to play video games, which left the room strangely quiet.

"Can I set the table?" Taryn asked Karen, desperate for an excuse to exit the kitchen.

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