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It was date night. Once every two weeks, Shawn and Yasmin left Piper with a babysitter and went out to dinner. Their sitter was the eldest daughter of their next door neighbors, and she had excellent references as well as CPR and first aid training. This didn't make Shawn any less uneasy each time they left the house, but he knew it was important to their marriage that they have some time alone.

"Where are we headed?" Yaz asked once they were buckled into their Mercedes. She liked him to choose the restaurant and then surprise her.

"I made reservations at Lucky's."


He knew what that response meant. "...or we could go someplace else."

"I love Lucky's, but it's almost Fashion Week and I can't eat anything too fattening or rich."

He often wondered why she wasn't in charge of selecting where they went, considering she was the one who had restrictions. "We're headed into town. Tell me what you want and I'll drive us there."

She gave it a couple seconds thought. "Sushi Bar? I know it'll be hard to get in, but I'm sure they'll find a seat for us."

"Sounds great." He loved sushi, so this worked for him. Lucky's was fancier, but they could go there once she wasn't obsessing about her diet, though he suspected that day might never come.

Just like she predicted, they were ushered to a private table, bypassing the people who were waiting in the lobby. He knew these types of celebrity perks were standard, but they always made him feel guilty. When he lived in Toronto, he never took advantage this way, but the west coast was different. It was expected.

They sipped warm sake as they perused the extensive menu. Sushi was something they both enjoyed, so finding items they agreed on was easy. After the waitress took their order, Shawn reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box. "Happy anniversary."

Yasmin beamed at him. "I didn't think you remembered."

"How can I forget the day I met my wife?" he asked as he clutched his heart in mock horror.

"You're a busy man with a lot of responsibilities. I wouldn't have held it against you if you had."

Yaz was a little high maintenance, but she was also very considerate and forgiving. "Just so you know, the reason I picked Lucky's is because I feel very lucky to have you. I was going to make a little joke about that when I gave you your present."

"Oh no! I'm sorry I ruined it, but it's still adorable," she said as she reached out and touched his arm.

He handed her the box. "For you, darling."

Smiling, she opened the hinged velvet box, revealing a pair of emerald cut aquamarine earrings. "These are beautiful! They match-"

"-the necklace you had on the night we met."

"I used to wonder if you asked me out the next day because you felt guilty for breaking the chain."

He chuckled. "I did feel bad, but that's not why I called."

They reminisced about that night while they waited for their food to arrive. It technically wasn't the first time they'd met, but he didn't feel the initial encounter counted.

Shawn craned his neck as he looked around the party for a familiar face. He couldn't stand these industry events, but Andrew insisted he attend since they were trying to make a name for Third Chance Records.

"Are you lost?" a feminine voice asked from his left side. He turned and saw a breathtakingly gorgeous woman.

"Not lost; just socially awkward," he replied honestly.

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