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The idea that fate had intervened crossed Shawn's mind, too, but he refrained from saying anything for fear of scaring Taryn off. Even if they were in an airport surrounded by unhappy travelers, it was incredible to sit next to her. He tried not to stare, but he noticed she was just as beautiful as she'd been when he first met her at The Good Luck Lounge, maybe even more so.

He glanced down at the magazines he was holding, and his cheeks turned pink when he saw that one of the cover stories was about him and Yasmin.

"Oh god..." Taryn muttered. "I'm mortified that you saw I bought that."

He looked at her and grinned. "If you want the scoop on my divorce, all you have to do was ask."

"I should get back to my mom," she said as her embarrassment grew. "I'm sure she's wondering why I've been."

Shawn wanted to say something to convince her to stay a little longer, but that was breaking his new set of rules. "Will you give her my best?" he said as he stood up to take Piper.

"I bet she's going to come see you once she learns you're here." Taryn tried to lift the sleeping child from her bosom, but Piper clung to her hoodie tightly and let out a little whimper of protest. "She's got quite a grip."

"Sorry, she's probably comfy. Maybe I should wake her so that she lets go."

"No!" she protested. "Don't do that. Can you get my phone out of my purse? I'll text my mom you're here and that I'll be gone a bit longer."

After the text was sent, Shawn took his seat again, happy that Taryn was staying. "How was your Christmas?"

"It was pretty quiet. Mom is living with me, so we spent the day together eating decadent food and watching holiday movies."

"My mum told me that Patricia sold her house and that she wants a small condo in the city."

"Yep, but finding one has been hard. I wouldn't mind if she stayed with me permanently, but I know she won't do that," Taryn said.

Just then, a young man approached them. "Excuse me. Can I get a photo with you?" he asked Shawn.


After the teen left, Taryn smiled warmly at her ex. "You're always so accommodating. Have you taken a lot of pics with fans today?"

"Not really. I think everyone is so focused on being stuck here that I've been able to stay anonymous. Or maybe people see I'm with Piper and are being respectful. Hopefully I won't get swamped now."

"Did you have a nice Christmas?"

Shawn nodded. "We spent the morning together as a family and Santa brought lots of presents for the clingy monkey you're holding. I had dinner with some friends in the music industry, and then I FaceTimed everyone in Pickering for over an hour."

"It's really wonderful that you and Yasmin are able to do things together for Piper's sake."

"We somehow managed to get through the separation and divorce as good friends," he explained.

"I'm glad things are going so well for you."

"I'm working hard at the aspects of my life that aren't so perfect, but that's a lot easier to do knowing things with Piper are great. I feel fortunate."

Taryn gently patted the sleeping child's back. "It's a good time of year to count your blessings. I've been doing that a lot lately."

He wanted to know what she was grateful for, but he figured she'd share that if she wanted. Shawn was about to ask how things were going with her businesses when an announcement came over the speakers.

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