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Shawn arrived at Pearson Airport after an easy flight. He'd managed to sleep for most of it, which left him feeling very upbeat and energetic, although the fact that he would see Taryn soon contributed to his euphoria. Unfortunately, it wasn't going to be as soon as he'd hoped since she'd texted that a problem with staffing at Ford's was keeping her at work later than planned. He'd arranged a driver, and she was supposed to be home when he got there, but now it would be Tricia greeting him at the door and not the love of his life. This little glitch wasn't going to bring him down, though.

When he got in the large black SUV, the chauffeur confirmed the address.

"That's it, but can you take me someplace else after I drop off my luggage?" Shawn requested.

"Of course, sir. You're my last client for the night."

When he got to the house, Tricia welcomed Shawn with a big hug and Hendrix barked with excitement when he saw one of his favorite humans.

"Are you hungry?" Patricia asked. "I've got a big pot of beef stew simmering on the stove."

"This might be rude, but the driver is waiting for me. I thought I'd swing by Ford's to surprise Taryn."

The older woman smiled. "I wondered if you might do that. I don't mind at all. When you two get home, your dinner will be waiting."

He gave her another quick hug and hurried back out to the car. Before long, they pulled in front of the brewpub's door. Shawn grabbed his acoustic guitar and tipped the gentleman an extra hundred for accommodating him before going inside. When he got upstairs, Taryn was nowhere to be seen, though he immediately spotted Jules sitting at a back table. They made eye contact, which he hoped would be the extent of their interaction, but this wasn't the case. As Jules got up and approached him, Shawn put a forced smile on his face.

"Hello," Jules said. "Mina and Taryn have been in the kitchen all night because two cooks called out sick."

"Thanks for the info."

"You're welcome to join me, though given the look on your face, I suspect you'd prefer not to do that."

"Sorry...I'm exhausted after traveling," Shawn lied. "Let me buy you a beer."

Once they were seated and had ordered their drinks, Jules nodded towards the guitar. "Are you performing tonight?"

"I thought I'd play something if it felt right. There are more people here than I anticipated, though."

"Business is good. Ford's won a Toronto food and beverage award last week, but you probably know that, oui?"

Shawn nodded. "Taryn sent me the article."

For several seconds, no one spoke. Then Julian cleared his throat. "I don't know how to say this politely, but if you hurt her again, I'm going to come after you."

"Excuse me?" Shawn couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"You damaged her irreparably by leaving when she was at her lowest point. I don't know why she still loves you, but she does. I care deeply for her- and before you jump to a conclusion, I don't mean romantically- so it will anger me if you break her heart again."

When Taryn told Mina that she was back together with Shawn, she also told her what had happened the year before. Mina shared this information with Jules, which contributed to the current confrontation. 

Shawn felt his cheeks flare red. "You-you're threatening me?" he stammered.

"I'm not a violent man," Jules said calmly, "but there are other ways to inflict punishment."

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