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After four magnificent days together, Taryn took Shawn to the airport so that he could return home to California. It was up in the air when they'd see each other again because he was doing a small scale tour in Europe. Yasmin was also headed there for multiple modeling obligations, so they were going to co-parent abroad with Rosie joining them to fill the gaps when both were working and to transport Piper between the different cities they'd be in.

"Saying goodbye is so hard," Taryn said as they sat in her car in front of the departures entrance at Pearson.

"Don't start crying, because if you do, it will get me going and then I'll sob all the way across the continent."

"That's a lie. You'll be asleep as soon as the plane takes off."

"Probably. We were up most of the night, so I need the nap," he said with a grin as he gave her thigh a squeeze.

"Meanwhile, I'm headed to work with no rest and a very sore glass slipper."

His hand moved upward and his fingertips grazed the V between her legs. "Should I apologize?"

"Not necessary. It'll be a nice reminder each time I sit down. God knows when we'll have a night like that again."

"I'll be back in early March. If it works with your schedule, you could come visit. If it doesn't work, I'll come to you. Five weeks is a long time, but we can do it," he assured her, but he also said it to convince himself. Being apart was a test to the strength of their relationship, and he worried that it would become more of an issue with time.

"Missing you isn't anything new for me, though it is harder knowing that we could be together if not for our personal and professional commitments and geography."

During his visit, they'd talked about their future a little. Neither wanted to rush to make definite plans, but it was only natural to think ahead. Taryn theorized that until Piper was in college, they'd have to continue with their current strategy, which was a depressing thought. Sixteen years was a long time to only see each other sporadically.

"Are you having doubts?" Shawn asked anxiously.

She took his hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "About our love? No. Never."

"That's not what I was asking. Be honest with me, honey. Do you think we're doomed?"

"Doomed is too strong a word. I think we need to acknowledge that this is going to be very difficult, because if we think it will be a breeze, we're setting ourselves up for a lot of pain. It'll be okay as long as we're realistic."

"I really appreciate that you're talking about this instead of putting up a wall," he told her.

"Thank you. I'm trying to be more open with you, and it means a lot to me that you're not pushing."

"We're growing."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Yup, but you're going to miss your flight if you don't get out of this car now."

Shawn let out an exaggerated groan. "I guess you're right." He then planted his lips on hers for a very long and deep kiss. "I love you."

"I love you," she echoed as he climbed out of the car.

Taryn watched him walk through the glass sliding doors before pulling away from the drop-off zone and proceeding back to downtown Toronto where her job was waiting for her. It ended up being a fairly boring day at work, which was regrettable because she had too much time on her hands. Every free minute was spent either going over the highlights of Shawn's visit or missing his presence, especially his long arms which were lovingly wrapped around her for so much of the time they were together.

"Knock knock," Mina said through the open office door before stepping inside. "I have the numbers for the bar."

"Thanks. I'll place the order today since the recent bad weather has held up deliveries. The chefs keep complaining to me about adjusting the menu because of shortages on certain products."

"Last night a customer told one of the waiters he needed to speak to me. When I went to the table, he nearly lost his mind over us not having mint for a mojito. I comped two drinks for him and his date, but I hope they don't come back. We don't need that kind of energy in this happy place!"

Taryn got up from behind her desk and gave the manager a huge hug. "I'm so damn lucky to have you. Your positivity really helps."

"Oh shit. Shawn left today, didn't he?" Mina asked.

"He did, and he took my heart with him."

"Oh, sweetie...that's rough. Will he be back soon?"

Sighing, Taryn said, "Not until March."

"Are you almost done for the day?"

She nodded.

"Let's go up and have a cocktail. I never drink on the job, but it's slow so I'll make an exception. That way you can whine about missing your man, which might make you feel better," Mina suggested.

"I'd love that. Give me ten minutes to place the liquor order."

Taryn went upstairs after finishing the task and locking up the office for the night. She found Mina sitting at a small table that gave her a view of the room so that she'd know if she was needed. A waitress took their orders and brought over their drinks a minute later, which was a perk of drinking at the bar you owned.

"So why can't you see each other until March?" Mina asked.

"He's doing a short European tour. Piper and Yasmin will be there, too, though not all together. They'll divide their time with Piper, whose nanny is going with them. It's really incredible that they can co-parent even when on the road."

"Sounds like the perfect time for you to take a little vacay to Europe!"

Taryn shook her head. "I just took one when I went to Seattle."

"And did any of your bars burn down?"

"No, but-"

"But nothing! I can handle things here. For once in your life, put yourself first," Mina insisted.

"He didn't ask me, which is fine because I know he's trying not to push, and I don't want to be a complication. He and Yasmin have every day planned perfectly so that Piper has time with both of them. Adding me into the equation might be problematic, and not just for scheduling. Yasmin is being really cool about everything and I'd hate to upset the apple cart, you know?"'

"You're too accommodating."

"That's only an issue if it makes me unhappy. I'm fine staying here and waiting for his next visit," Taryn said firmly.

"Maybe we could go on a double date when he's back. Jules hated to admit it, but he said he likes Shawn after their weird encounter."

"Perhaps one day, but I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable sitting with the two men I've been seriously involved with."

Mina started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Taryn asked.

"I was just thinking that you could make it a trifecta, and we could all hang out here on a night Elijah is playing."

They both started giggling uncontrollably at the thought and then changed the subject until their glasses were empty.

"I should go home. My mom spent last night in a hotel. She lied and said she was doing a movie night with a friend, but I checked her location on my phone and saw she was at the Westin. I want to try to give her some cash to cover the expense."

"Mama McAllister is the best! It's so sweet she let you lovebirds have a night to yourselves!" Mina gushed.

"It was quite a night," Taryn said with a wink as she took some money out of her purse. The drinks were free, but she wanted the waitress to get a big tip.

Before she started her car, she checked her phone and saw that Shawn texted her. He'd made it home safely and had both Piper and Daffy with him. She typed out a reply before driving home.

I love you and miss you ❤️

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