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"get out of bed"

RYUJIN whines while forcefully tugging the curly haired boy out of bed by his foot.
the boy groans loudly, lifting his head to  check the time. he let's out a loud annoyed grumble when he sees the time. "fuck you ryujin, we still have 45 minutes before we need to wake up for class" he curses, clearly grumpy he was rudely awakened from his beautiful dreams of being taller than jeno.

"naur. I want to go to Starbucks" she whines back.

"we have coffee at home"

"I'll buy you coffee"

he was surely intrigued by the offer.

haechan slowly gets out of bed. "buy me a muffine too"


he lies back down. "then fuck you, I'm going back to bed"

annoyed, the girl, forcefully pulls haechan out of bed, the boy falling to the floor, half of his body holding onto the edge of the bed while his other half on the floor. his body was curved like a C and he turned his head very slowly to glare at the angry girl with messy hair. "I will choke you"

"I'll buy you that muffin"

once again, silence. the offer was tempting. painfully tempting.



"are you fucking kidding me? " haechan says while looking at the receipt in his hand. "this is why you wanted to go to Starbucks? "

the girl doesn't reply, only looking at him with an innocent grin.
the boy sighs, massaging his temples. "ryujin, I know you don't do this often but, do you want to be a jaemin? drinking 8 shots of espresso? I'm surprised they even agreed to let you order that" he huffs, watching the staff prepare the battery acid she and jaemin calls coffee. he returns his gaze back to the girl.

"but.. you didn't study last night, we both went to bed at 12. you only drink battery acid when you stay up to study"

taken aback, ryujin nearly drops her grin, but to remain safe from further questioning from the male, she grins more. "couldn't sleep last night, only fell asleep at 6am"

but haechan doesn't seem to fully believe it. he crosses his arms. "if that's so, you would've been knocked out until I woke up. but instead you wake me up first to get coffee"

imaginary beads of sweat drop from her forehead, cheekbones already hurting from forcing this innocent grin.

"I... suddenly woke up and thought we should get coffee first before school.. since I need my caffeine" the statement almost sounded like a question.

but God was on her side that day and a familiar voice instantly distracted the male.

"hey guys" the cheery bubbly voice was easy to recognize.
the male whipped his head around to meet the owner of the voice.

"hey mark! " ryujin said almost too enthusiastically just to make haechan lose his train of thought, hoping his attention would go straight to the Canadian.

thankfully it did.

haechan's features softened as he looked at the older boy. "oh, mark" he says with a more 'Canadian accent' "what brings you here"

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