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"Chenle? "

"Ryujin? "

I stared at him slightly confused for a moment. I didn't know renjun and chenle knew each other.

"I didn't know you two knew each other. " Renjun spoke, breaking the silence.

did he read my mind or something?

"Yea um... I just met her a while back" Chenle said while rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded. Renjun had a small smile on his face.

"I'm gonna prepare snacks for the movie" Renjun said as he walked to the kitchen. "Make yourself at home ryujin"

I continued playing with xiao yun, enjoying the softness of her snow white fur. She really was like a little cloud. The name renjun gave her was definitely fitting.

"So um... Ryujin. The story you recommended.. " Chenle spoke making me face him with xiao yun still in my hands.

Why was he suddenly talking about it? Did he hate it?

"The book was really interesting. I spent the whole night reading it"

I sighed in relief.

"Glad you enjoyed it" I smiled.



I was shocked to see ryujin and renjun's house. But I was happy either way. I didn't need to go to the book store to see her.

Seeing her play with xiao yun was so adorable. The way she smiled while petting her was so cute.

Wait. Why am I thinking about this?

it felt awkward just looking at her play with xiao yun like a creep so I decided to talk about the book she recommended to me. I spent the whole night reading it and ended up being late for school.

"So um... Ryujin. The story you recommended.. "

She turned to look at me and her hair flipped like those models. I thought my heart was gonna explode but I kept my cool.

"The book was really interesting. I spent the whole night reading it"

"Glad you enjoyed it" She smiled. I could hear my inner self basically screaming at this point.


3rd person pov;;;

Renjun came back out after a while, tray of snacks in his hands.

"Snacks have arriveddd" He said with a smile as he placed the tray on the coffee table. "Eat up"

The two younger kids began tearing open wrappers and eating the snacks. Renjun turned on some movies to watch as they ate.

Without realizing, a few hours had passed. Ryujin had fell asleep on chenle's shoulder and renjun's head bopped up and down and he fell asleep sitting up.

The doorbell rang waking the older renjun up. Renjun rubbed his eyes and stretched before standing up to get the door.

Renjun opened the door to reveal haechan who was there to pick up ryujin.

"Hey injun. Where's ryujin? " He asked. Renjun, still being tired, could barely answer. He mumbled a soft "hi" And pointed to the couch where ryujin was fast asleep on chenle's shoulder.
Haechan tilted his head to take a look. He dramatically gasped when he saw the sight, causing renjun to give him a "the fuck" look.

"Did my little ryujin get a boyfriend while I was away?" He asked with an evil grin. Renjun raised an eyebrow. "What? No that's my friend, they just fell asleep"

Haechan's mouth formed a tight line.
"Bummer, they would look cute together, can I come in? " Renjun nodded and let the taller boy enter his home. Haechan immediately went to ryujin and began shaking her to wake up.

"Hwang ryujin Hwang ryujin Hwang ryujin" He repeated over and over until the younger girl eventually woke up giving him a "how dare you wake me from my sleep" glare. "Let's go home" He said calmly as if he was totally not shaking the younger kid to death. Chenle eventually woke up too, although he was slightly confused about the boy that had his hands ryujin's shoulder.

"Good morning kid, what's your name" Haechan smiled when looking at chenle. "You're gonna scare him hyuck" Ryujin said as she pushed haechan away so she could get up.
Haechan sat at her spot as he began "interrogating" the younger Chinese boy.

"So what's your name? "

"Uh.. Chenle? "

"How old are you? "


"Where are you fro-"

"Let's go back haechan" Before the boy could finish his sentence, ryujin grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the Chinese boy. She grabbed her bag and dragged him all the way to the door.

"See you guys next time" She waved and gave an awkward smile as she dragged her roommate out of the house and into his car.

The two got in and haechan began driving back to their dorm.

"So... Did you know u fell asleep on that chenle guy's shoulder" Haechan spoke without taking his eyes off the road but ryujin could see the smug smirk on his face. "Oh shut up I know you like mark sunbaenim" The smirk on his face fell as he looked at ryujin when the traffic light turned red. Her face had a huge grin. Haechan began playfully hitting her until the traffic light turned green.

"I knew it" She said with a hint of sass in her tone.

"Oh shut up Hwang" Haechan rolled his eyes.

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