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WE all sat in a room that I could only assume as an employee room, but since taeyong was the owner of the cafe, I didn't have to worry about seeing an angry boss barge in and scold them because they had non employees in an employee room.
johnny came back with some freshly made coffee, the coffee aroma feeling strong and aromatic.

"one cappacino for the munchkin" johnny handed the coffee cup to ten.
"ok wow, fuck you too I guess beanstalk"

johnny let out a little laugh and handed another coffee to kun. "iced americano for kun"

kun gave a slight head bow when he received his coffee.
"black coffee for ty track"

"I thought we agreed to never bring that up again"

"I'm johnny, I ain't letting anything go. anyways, iced latte for the lady and a caramel frappe for our boy chonlo"

kun snorted. "chonlo..pft"

johnny sat next to taeyong with an iced Americano in his hands. he took an obnoxious sip while eyeing everyone who looked at him weirdly.

"okay, I know I sound like an idiot when I say this but-"

"what do you mean kun, you always sound like an idiot" ten said.

kun smiled at him "did you know I sold your game console last week to buy yangyang a new phone? "

ten's face fell. "what".

"anyways" kun said, ignoring ten and his questions on what happened to his precious game console. "are you two dating? "

both of us tensed up and looked at him awkardly. "well um... no" I said to him.

he pursed his lips. "cuz actually, you two look like a couple. "

"do we? " chenle mumbled, quietly slurping his frappe.

"the vibe ya know? "

"omg kun knows what vibe means" ten gasped. kun threw a pillow at him without breaking eye contact with me and chenle.

"but" kun said again, placing a hand on chenle's shoulder. "if you two ever date and chenle is a bad boy, come to me and let's just say chenle would be kneelimg outside his house for a good 4 hours"

"kun... YOU SOUND LIKE MY DAD WTF" ten exclaimed. he shrugged. chenle looked traumatized, with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open.

"y-you would never hurt me like that right... g-ge.. " chenle said.

kun looked at him and raised an eyebrow. that was his answer I guess.

chenle looked away, avoiding all eye contact with the older male, quietly taking a sip of his drink. kun patted my shoulder.



AT least 1 hour had passed. johnny was caught up talking about his favorite kind of coffee, ten butting in every once in a whiles saying some sort of remark that will end up with him getting smacked by kun who kept a cool face the whole time as if it was a normal thing.

chenle had long finished his frappe. he slumped against his seat with his arms crossed. with the odd position he sat in along with his folded arms, he looked like a child. his cheeks were squished by the slightest bit and he was expressionless, caught up in his own thoughts, barely sparing a moment to listen to Johnny ramble about his coffee.

taeyong sat in another chair, not listening to Johnny just like chenle. he slumped on his chair a little,  starring at nothing. but with the look on his face, he looked as if he was recalculating all his life decisions, like how he ended up working in a coffee shop with a bunch of idiots and kun, to make a living.

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