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"oh my god are you making out into he store?!"

SUDDENLY after the two fell, a huge gap was created by other customers who now laid their eyes on them.

the commotion obviously attracting the 2 seekers as they went to the scene. both of them looking down at the two with a smug smirk etched on their lips. haechan instantly exclaiming dramatically just to embarras the two even more.

"I mean, we were playing hide and seek, but I didn't expect you guys to end up makin out on the floor" renjun said, a smirk plastered on his face as he looked at the two with crossed arms. his cheeks puffed out as he held in the laughter that was threatening to escape his lips.

ryujin and chenle immediately untangled from each other, brushing themselves off awkwardly on the floor, not even bothering to stand up properly. the other customers were still eerily staring at them even though it was their fault for not only pushing them, but not even bothering to help them up. some whispers erupted from them, most likely ajummas talking about  how they were 'too young for this' or 'kids these days are something else'.

haechan extended a hand out for ryujin, renjun doing the same for chenle. both grabbed onto the olders as they balanced themselves properly.

"looks like I win" haechan suddenly exclaimed in a high pitch voice while doing a peace sign.

ryujin rolled her eyes and smacked haechan's chest. "good for you, loser"

"says the real loser herself" haechan stuck out his tongue at her, causing them to start bickering like children.

renjun laughed and turned to face chenle. "still can't believe both of you ran off to hide together"

"it was kinda unplanned" chenle muttered.

renjun raised an eyebrow. "是的吗?” (is that so? ") his tone was filled with suspicion, his mouth also slowly curving into a mischievous grin which made chenle blush by the slightest bit.

" ey... " chenle smacked renjuns chest, the older boy sticking his tongue out while chenle pursed his lips slightly..

this was probably the one time chenle was glad neither ryujin nor haechan spoke mandarin. although from what he knew, ryujin could speak and understand the slightest bit of Chinese thanks to none other than renjun himself.

"alright, I'm getting tired, let's go home" haechan mumbled, lazily swinging an arm over ryujin, making her stumble from the sudden extra weight. "if we don't go home now, I'm gonna make ryujin cook dinner for me"

ryujin gasped and turned to haechan, looking slightly offended. "you.will.not"

he hummed. "oh I will" he nodded slowly while eyeing her

she sucked in a breath. "I will cook but not for you."

haechan gasped and they both began bickering in the middle of the store once again.

renjun turned to face chenle with an awkward yet disgusted look on his face.

"你真的喜欢这个女生吗?” (do you really like this girl? ) renjun asked, emphasizing the word this while looking at chenle. renjun was probably questioning if chenle had actually fallen for the girl who kept gasping after every word haechan says.

chenle let out a huff and a small smile as he fixed his gaze back to the girl across him. “是的, 我喜欢她” (yes, I like her)

" can y'all stop speaking egg roll, like I'm starting to get a headache" haechan said before whining in pain when renjun kicked him in the knee caps.

"I speak whatever I want to speak, bitch"

"ok, you're probably gonna kill me for saying this but I feel like I'm getting threatened by a cinnamon roll. a very angry cinnamon roll"

and indeed, renjun killed him.
by tickling him at his most ticklish spots, haechan literally screeching because of it.

and that's also how they got kicked out off the store.
1, because they were making a ruckus
2, they didn't buy anything
3, haechan screamed.

"god dammit haechan" renjun groaned in annoyance. he crossed his arms and faced haechan with disappointment.

he let out an awkward laugh before running away when renjun tried to strangle him.

"we should go before they abandon us right" chenle turned to look at the girl next to him.


they both let out a small laugh before running to catch up with the two older boys.

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