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"Can you just leave me alone? " I begged her as we walked out of the school, stopping for a moment so that I could confront her.

She clicked her tongue and looked at me with a humorless, sarcastic pout. "Why? You haven't even done what I told you to"

"But that's my money or maybe not even mine, but my parent's money" I whined. "I'm wasting all their hard work on you! "

She scoffed and took out her phone, waving it in front of me.

I got the message and zipped my mouth.

my dignity is the only thing restricting me from doing anything. will that video even ruin my reputation in this new school? maybe, maybe not. it's probably the pity that I'll hate. the fact people would pity me for having such a 'painful' breakup, something the past me labeled it as. it wasn't that bad, I was just a hopeless romantic who finally got a girlfriend. maybe that's why it felt so 'painful'



Okay, now is my chance to ask ryujin out. She should be by the gate, all I need to do is ask if she wants to go eat with me and then I'll ask her out.

Everything is planned, nothing should get in my way. asking someone out should be easy. I just need some confidence and everything will go my way, hopefully.

"You haven't even done what I told you to"

I heard a voice by the school hall. It sounded familiar. There seemed to be an argument. Being the curious little shit I am, I checked it out. I peeked my head out from the side of the wall, enough to see what was going on at the other side.

there, by the lockers stood two horribly familiar figures that I could recognize under a second.

Eunhye and chenle.

What are they doing now?

"But that's my money"

"You don't want me to show the whole school how pathetic you are don't you chenle? "

"Please Eunhye, I've changed. But clearly you didn't. I wasted my money on you"

"And it was great. You're like my personal bank"

"and you're not even sorry to admit that I'm your personal bank"

Without realizing, I had took out my phone and recorded the whole thing. smart jeno move right there.

Poor chenle.

"Do you not feel guilty at all Eunhye? "

"Why should I feel guilty when everything is coming to me so easily"

That skank.

I think I have recorded enough.

I can ask ryujin out another day.

For now, chenle is my priority. Forget the past. I can't stand seeing her boss him around, or anyone else in general.

"oi, cha Eunhye" I stepped out from behind the wall and called her name.

They both turned their heads to look at me.

I walked out slowly, clicking my tongue in the process while glaring at her, unamused. "Go away" I said, straightforward.

She let out a scoff and folded her hands. "Hmm.... I think I want to stay" An evil smile formed on her face.


"You know eunhye, I'm being really polite right now. So either leave chenle alone or.... " I paused mid sentence.

"Or.... " She raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what I was gonna say.

"Or I show the world how big of a bitch you are" I pulled out my phone showing her the video I recorded of her and chenle.

"You-" She looked like she was about to hit me. naturally, I took a step back.

"Nuh uh uh, one step closer to me and chenle and I hit publish to the public" I told her.

She stomped her feet like a spoilt brat. the most expected move coming from someone like her.
"Fuck you lee jeno! I'll get you back soon! " She screamed before stomping away. geez, no need to be so dramatic. starting to wonder if they're secretly filming some sort of telenovela without my consent. hidden cameras somewhere filming the whole thing to produce as a show.

I looked at chenle who was wide eyed.

"Thank you jeno" Chenle said with a grateful smile on his face. I gave him a small smile. "You're welcome I guess... "

Chenle sighed. "You know jeno.... Come to think of it, I kinda hate that we aren't that close anymore. as much as I hate admitting it"

I looked at him. I guess he was somewhat right.

"I mean, we clicked so well when renjun introduced us together, even if you were a cold rock at first" Chenle teased.

I laughed slightly.

"How bout this, let's hang out together like last time, forget about the fact we hated each other for a while" Chenle suggested. It somehow made me smile.

"Sure, that sounds nice"

"Sure, that sounds nice"

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