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"Ahhhhhhhh" I whined as I walked to the bedroom.

Haechan put his phone down and sat up properly, furrowing his eyebrows as his mouth hung open a little.

"What's wrong ryujin? " He asked, hands open for a hug.

I sat next to him on his bed and cupped my cheeks with my hand. "I watched another drama and so many things is happening and my heart just nxjdbabbx"

"did you just keyboard smash in a verbal conversation"

I clinged onto haechans arm as I continued whining about the drama that I watched, completely ignoring his question.

"You're really weird you know that? " He said looking down at me while I still clinged onto his arm like a koala. "It's just a drama it's not real"

I released myself from him. "Hey, it's a good drama if it can make my heart go bonkers over it"

Haechan scoffed. "Every drama you watch is good to you. The last time you watched a drama you clinged onto my leg and began whining about how your heart went crazy. "

I gave him an awkward smile. "H-hey, at least be thankful I trust you enough to cling onto you, plus you're a boy"

"So what if I'm a boy"

I mentally face palmed.

"Yah Lee haechan, not every girl can go around trusting boys just because they're handsome" I gave him a "it's basic facts" face. "plus, I wouldn't cling onto you if I didn't trust you"

He put his hand on his chest and gasped. "Does that mean you think I'm handsome? "

He cheeky smile was growing in his face.

My mouth formed a tight line. "Sure"

Another gasp escaped his mouth as he suddenly hugged me. "What is this? " I asked.

"Thanks for the compliment" I could feel him smile.

I pulled away from the hug.

"Sure... ? "

"Anyways it's getting late, we are both bad at waking up so let's go to bed" Haechan instructed.

"Can I watch one m-"

I pouted. "Fine"

I got up from bed and went back outside to grab my phone that was on the table. I turned off all the lights before going back into the room.

"Goodnight ryujin"

"Goodnight haechan"


"Ryujin ah" Haechan tapped my shoulders.

I looked up from my phone to look at him. "Hm? "

His eyes showed signs of confusion and his mouth was opened slightly, his gaze did not leave whatever he was staring at.

"Who's that girl that chenle guy is with? " He said, voice sounding confused.

I looked at where he was looking at. Chenle had changed his seat and was sitting with this new girl.

I turned to look at jisung.

He looked sad. His gaze was fixed on chenle. He was so focused on staring at his new found best friend that he didn't realize the girl who kept calling his name beside him. "Sorry hyejin" Was all he could mumble before turning to look back at chenle.

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