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"oh.. you caught up"
RENJUN said as they all stood outside the mall. haechan stood next to him as the two olders looked at the panting teenagers in front of them.

"of.. course" chenle said while panting. "no one asked you to chase haechan"

"no one asked you two to run chenle, you could've walked like regular people. "

chenle continued panting, his hands resting on his knees. he looked up to look at renjun "touche"

"sorry I don't speak German"

".. no... haechan... no"

"alright, let's go home... I'm tired" ryujin said. she swung her body from side to side to keep her mind and body alert.
"you heard the girl, let's go home. " haechan said.

"you two can go home, chenle too, I need to grocery shop" renjun said while pulling out his phone.

"you sound like an old married husband" chenle said.
"ahahahahaha chenle yah, 想死是吗?"(do you want to die? ) renjun said while grinning innocently. well, it looked innocent to ryujin and haechan who didn't know that renjun just threatened chenle in a different language.

chenle awkwardly laughed when renjun wrapped his hands around his throat, choking him slightly. chenle rapidly tapping his hand. "对不起 对不起 对不起 AHHHHHHhshdhsnsn! " (sorry sorry sorry) chenle screamed.

haechan saluted while looking down at his feet. "we pray for the fallen soldier... a moment of silence for Zhong Chenle"

when renjun released his grip from the younger boy, chenle looked as if he just had a near death experience. which isn't exactly a lie.

renjun pat chenles back with an innocent smile as if he totally wasn't trying to kill him just 3 seconds ago.

haechan and ryujin stared at the two Chinese boys with their mouths slightly open.

"well um... we'll get going, bye" ryujin said, pulling haechan away as they walked away.

once the two roommates were gone renjun looked at chenle and smacked him on his back making chenle scream. his whole body jumping in the air for a brief moment.

"you should go home too" renjun said.

chenle looked at his watch. "it's still early"

"then do you actually want to grocery shop with me?"

"..... "

chenle ran away. "bye renjun, see you next time! "

renjun stood there as he watched the younger boy run away. he looked down at his feet and sighed "I really need a girlfriend.. "


"what's for dinner" haechan asked the minute they entered their home.

"I don't know, will you cook for me? " she said with a smile.

"no~" he smiled back but yelped when she threw her purse at him.

"asshole" she muttered. "this is why you'll never get a girlfriend"

he shrugged. "not like I want one now. I'm not ready for a relationship. you girls are hard to understand"

"no haechan, you are hard to understand" she said, poking his chest.

"pfft, whatever" he walked around her and flopped onto his bed.

"at least take a shower before you lie on your bed, it's kinda gross"

"you're gross"

"haechan, I will pour water on your computer" she threatened.

"alright, I'm sorry, I'll go take a shower"
he pouted in defeat as he got out of bed and grabbed a towel, dragging his feet as he walked to the bathroom.

ryujin smiled as she crossed her arms
together. "that's right betch"


sorry for not writing. I lost motivation for writing this book. and also writers block :/

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