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RYUJIN didn't know how or why it happened, but after lunch, they all decided to play hide and seek in the mall. they were bored yet they didn't want to go home.

renjun suddenly thought and decided that it would be a great idea to hide from haechan. the boy looked at renjun with his mouth hung open, feeling speechless that he was made the seeker before the game even started.

so, without even playing a game of rock paper scissors, renjun already made   haechan the seeker, ignoring haechans multiple whines about how he didn't want to seek.

with an angry looking haechan and a happy smirking renjun, haechan tried to look casual as he looked away from the 3, silently counting to twenty. he walked back and forth in small steps, trying to act natural because obviously, if he stood by a wall counting from 1 to 20, it would look like he was either extremely childish, or mildly mental.


IT wasn't on purpose that chenle followed ryujin the whole time since they sneaked away from haechan. it was like he had no control of his feet as he just followed behind her.

not that he minded though.

both of them didn't really know where they were gonna go. far away from haechan was all they knew. they couldn't go to other floors as haechan strictly said that they were only allowed to hide within the floor they were in, so that haechan didn't have to search the entire mall for them.

chenle and ryujin ended up hiding in a crowded clothes store. it was hard to squeeze in, but after all, it meant it was harder for haechan to find them.

just to make things harder for haechan, they put on hats, pretending to be customers trying on the hats, and also to help cover chenle's hair color which stood out from any regular customer.

"this is fun" chenle giggled. "I wonder how long it'll take him to find us. "

ryujin giggled too. "do you think he'll try to call us? "

chenle shrugged. "I don't know"

looking at each other made them laugh again. the feeling of a game in such a large area felt cool. and being together made the game less boring. unlike  renjun who was obviously hiding somewhere alone. the feeling of being alone while hiding for who knows how long felt awful. at least, to them it was.

chenle's phone rang.

he took his phone out from his pocket and looked at the caller ID which belonged to haechan.

"should I answer? " he looked at the girl next to him.

"it doesn't look like he's here so why not" she shrugged.

chenle accepted the call.

"chenle yahhh~ I already found our little injunnie~ you're next~ muah! "

the call ended abruptly fast. chenle didn't even have time to answer before haechan hung up after speaking that one sentence.

chenle removed the phone from his ear which a confused sound coming from is mouth as he looked at the phone in confusion.

"what did he say? " ryujin looked up at the taller boy and asked.

"well apparently, he already found renjun hyung. so now he's gonna find us. he sounded like a serial killer.... "

"well.... he can't find us that fast right..... "

ryujin gave a reassuring smile before looking away, keeping an eye on the entrance just in case haechan and renjun came in.

she looked around casually until her eyes landed on someone very familiar, her eyes widening as she hit chenle on the shoulder multiple times while still keeping eye on the entrance.

"what what what" chenle muttered.

"they're here".

she eyed the 2 boys that came into the crowded shop, heads darting around the place to find both of them.

" we gotta hide" she whispered.

"we already are" chenle giggled.

they huddled closer, adjusting their hats to 'blend in'. however, the other people in the store accidentally shoved into ryujin, ultimately making her clash onto chenle.

both of them fell. chenle falling butt first as the crowd suddenly made space only when they both hit the floor.

now she was on top of him.

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