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"One last chapter" I said with my phone in my hand, lifted in front of my face as I laid back down on my comfy bed. "Last chapter my ass" Haechan scoffed. "You're gonna read another 3 chapters as per usual. At this point I hope your phone falls on your face" As on cue, my phone slipped from my grasp and fell on my face, earning a quick 'ow' from myself. Haechan basically laughed until all the oxygen was gone from his lungs.

"BAHAHHAHA THAT'S WHAT U GET FOR NOT LISTENING TO ME KID" He clutched his stomach as he was still laughing at the small action. "Shut up hyuck, I'm not a kid I'm literally 1 year younger than you" I said while kicking him with my feet. He slowly stopped laughing and just smiled. "Yes, you may be just one year younger than me but doesn't mean I can't act like a better big brother than your real one" He said with a small smile, causing my heart to feel warm and fuzzy at his words.

But what he said was true, being friends with him and renjun made me feel more brotherly love than what I got from hyunjin. But in the end, although I don't always see him, hyunjin is forever my brother, and he is still caring. Although the thought of banging chicks is probably on his mind more than I am. Ew. I think I ruined my own childhood with my thoughts and imagination. Moving on.

"Anyways, " Haechan said when grabbing my phone from my hands earning a "hey" From me. "We have morning classes and PE tomorrow, so you need to sleep before you die during PE. " He turned off my phone and put it at his bedside. He pat my head and turned off the light.

"Good night ryu"


THE morning alarm woke us up just like any other day. I hugged my pillow, trying to squeeze in an extra minute of sleep but in the end haechan dragged me out of bed forcefully.

"We.. Have.. To eat... Breakfast" He said, pausing between every word. His voice was raspy, clearly he was as tired as I was. I sat down on the table, eyes closing shut for a few seconds only to open again every once in a while. Somehow, I was absolutely drained of energy. Haechan was preparing cereal for himself and I. When he was done, he put the bowl in front of me as he sat across from me, his eyes half open as he scooped a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. We didn't talk much considering how tired me somehow were.

The sound of a notification chiming at the same time somehow made us alert. Our eyes sprung open as we grabbed our phones in unison. A smile creeping on both our faces as we looked at each other with a smirk.

"CLASSES ARE CANCELLED! "  We yelled in unison while giving a high five to each other.

Apparently the teachers have important meetings and won't have time to teach. We smiled at each other and put our unfinished cereal into the fridge. We ran into our room and plopped onto the bed falling asleep instantly.


"NO, HOW?" Haechan screamed as he looked at his computer screen. "How the heck did jisung beat me again?! " He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Third time today" He said as he looked at his hand that was showing 3 fingers indicating how many times he lost to jisung in his game. I chuckled quietly at his action as I placed my comic book on the small table beside me. We were currently in our room doing our own thing and I have once again finished another bbook

these books finish so fast. Either that or I just read it whenever I have the chance. Eh, probably both.

I stretched and stood up from the couch.

"Yo dude I'm going to the book store to get another book" I said, grabbing my keys and bag. "Don't go out spending all our money on comic books, rent doesn't pay itself you know" He said as if he was the only one paying bills in the house.

"Yea yea" I said, rolling my eyes. "Since you're going out, get me some strawberry milk and chips, thanks " He gave a cute smile. His aegyo made me cringe a bit but since I'm you know, a good person, I agreed and left the house.



Since classes were cancelled , I grabbed this as a chance to go to the book store again. I finished another book and wanted to find a new one. As I walked to the bookstore, my mind wandered to ryujin. I thought back to yesterday when we were watching movies with renjun. Watching peacefully until I felt her fall asleep on my shoulder, looking at how beautiful she was even in the dim lighting where the only light that was there was the illumination of the TV. My heart fluttered. Who knew I was smiling like an idiot, earning a few weird looks from people walking past. Pft, can't a guy be in love in peace.


What did I just say?

Me? Zhong Chenle? In love? I must be crazy. Love is just people wanting me for money.

You know ryujin isnt ike that right

I heard a voice in me say.

But who knows, she might be faking

I heard another voice in me say.

Soon, the two voices in my head began bickering about what ryujin was like. I've only known her for a few days. But if renjun could love her like a close friend and a close sister, then she can't be that bad right.

I don't think she's
that kind of person

Maybe she's just like
her. Wanting money
to spend on worthless

She's not like her

That's what you think
Listen to me chenle
She's not worth it. She's
just like the past.
It's gonna happen all over again.

I grew tired of the two voices in my head. At this point, I didn't know which voice was the angel and which was the devil.

My head hurt.

My vision turned black.

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