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THE school day seemed to end faster than usual. although it was probably just because I barely focused in class. Everyone left the classroom and I went to the hallway to wait for haechan who skipped the last few minutes of class to "go to the bathroom".

"Ryujin! " I turned and saw haechan waving at me, with a smile on his face and his bag pack slung over his shoulder. I couldn't help but smile back as well.
his smile was contagious. when he smiles, you can't help but smile too. I guess that's why he's called fullsun.

"Hey hyuck" I said, then smacked his arm. "you skipped class and left me to rot in math" the words came from gritted teeth. he laughed. "I'm sorry, any longer and my brain would be fried"


"How was your day? " He asked as we began walking back to our dorm which was just across from the school. "Well since I was with hyejin most of the day it's good. At least it's not with naeun" I shrugged, looking down at my feet as I walked.

I acknowledge at how I sound like a fake friend but to be fair, I do cherish naeun. That feeling just always isn't there. Her life and mine are very different. She somehow manages to know her crush and be friends with him meanwhile I kept my feelings to my old crush. In the end, we graduated and he went to another school. hell, he probably has a girlfriend by now and it's not even surprising. He is handsome.

I admit, jealousy is the reason why I can't see her as a full friend but more like a borderline acquaintance. But that's how people's minds work. As much as you hate it, it's hard to change it.

Haechan understood how I felt and gave me a reassuring pat on my back that was harder than it was supposed to be. I glared at him while he chuckled. He slung his arm over my shoulder. "You can get through this"


"Haechan! I'm going to the book store" I yelled to haechan who was busy playing a game with his friends online.

"NO JAEMIN HOW DID YOU BEAT ME" He yelled into his microphone. the rapid clicking of his keyboard stopped as his screen was filled with the words "Game Over" He threw his head back and took off his headphones and looked at me. "I'm sorry, what were you saying? " He said smiling, but of course, he was dying on the inside because he lost his game.
I rolled my eyes. "I said I'm going to the book store"

Haechan gave a thumbs up and continued playing his game, barely sparing me another glance before his head went back to its original position with his eyes glued to the screen.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. The bookstore was right next to the dorm so it was a short walk. I enjoyed the cold breeze and entered the book store. I walked to my favorite horror section and began looking through all the horror Japanese manga books. My favorite kind of manga to read.

I was casually scrolling around the area until I saw it.

The latest horror book. And it was the last one left. I screamed internally, excited to get my hands on the final copy.

I reached to grab it but was met with a pair of hands on the book. I was ready to fight for the book until I looked up and saw a boy wearing all black. His hair was covering his forehead. He seemed foreign.

"I saw that book first"

"I grabbed it first"

and thus the unintentional glaring contest began.

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