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"Bye ryu" 
HAECHAN waved as he skipped out of the school compound . Since it was the weekend, haechan wanted to go back and visit his parents after a long time. He didn't want me to live in the dorm alone because I was " too young" and it was "not safe" so he asked me to live with hyunjin. There was no use in arguing with haechan so I just agreed. he cared for my safety, how wholesome and sweet even if he did try to kick me out because I ate all his candy. I knew he was saying it as a joke so no words were taken to heart.

I walked out of the gates with hyunjin and his group until i felt a drop of rain fall on my nose "oh, it's drizzling" I muttered, sticking my hand out to feel the rain drops that fell into the palm of my hand.

Hyunjin nodded whilst I wiped the rain drops from my hand onto my jeans. "let's hurry and get to chan hyungs car" Everyone agreed and ran to where he parked his car. As we reached the car, I stopped in my tracks, suddenly having a moment of realization.

"Hyunjin, there's eight of you, there's no space for me"

Hyunjin had a blank expression on his face for a few seconds. either he was thinking, having a moment of realization as well or he remembered he had something to do, no one really knows what's happening in his noggin. "I guess you have to sit on one of their laps" He shrugged and got into the car as if sitting on someone's lap was so casual. yet again, it was hyunjin, I'm not surprised if girls sitting on their laps were a common encounter. but at the same time, wouldn't he have a slight sense of protectiveness since I'm his younger sister? or am I just hoping for too much from this man.

"You can sit on mine" Jeongin said before I could even think of a word to say to hyunjin. whether it be a cuss or a whine, it would've and could've been a mix of both. I looked at him weirdly, eyeing him up and down, before looking back at his face which plastered an innocent smile. it felt like he was planning something, or he was just being nice since we've known each other longer than anyone else other than my own brother. I had mixed feelings about it but I had no choice, so I accepted. He got into the car and I hesitantly sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist like a makeshift seatbelt.

I could feel his warmth (although there was still the feeling of awkwardness lingering around). My heart beat faster than usual. it made me feel like I was falling for him, again. I could be overreacting too.

it felt dangerous.


WE reached their home after what felt like forever. we got caught in a jam as the rain poured harder. I got off jeongins lap quickly and walked off to hyunjin to hide from embarrassment. although I wouldn't tell him I was going to him because of the embarrassment, I could just tell him I wanted to "bond", something I haven't thought about in ages. he doesn't need to know the truth anyways.

"Is something wrong? " He asked. I shook my head.

I ain't telling him I used to have a crush on his best friend. not only would he tease me constantly but it's horribly embarrassing, and that's something I do not need anymore today. the day had already made me feel only two emotions: awkwardness and embarrassment. the only times I felt normal was when haechan was still here, but now he's home with his own parents, and I'm stuck with hyunjin and all 7 of his friends. hard to imagine I'd actually miss that sunflower sucker.

I walked into the house which was surprisingly neat, more neat than I had expected from 8 boys. sure there were still some clothes laying here and there, but it was better than I imagined. "Welcome to the dorm" Chan welcomed with a smile on his face showing his prominent dimples. his smile was friendly and he gives off the vibes of someone I'd trust to hold my drink at a bar.

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