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AS per usual the alarm woke us up, but today it was earlier. Today we were going to the school carnival. We had our breakfast and changed into our clothes.

Haechan was clearly excited, as for me, well, I do miss the school, but not my old classmates. I prefer the ones I have in my class. Jaemin... Mark.. Renjun, they were cool. Yea I missed my old classmates when I first graduated, but once I entered high school and made new friends, I realized how shit my old friends we're. I specifically remembered my friend, miyu. Not that I wanted to be her friend in the first place. I was grouped with her and she was my partner in being the group leader. So technically, I was stuck with her and forced to work with her. She just has to ask me so many stupid questions randomly when the teacher wasn't teaching. All her questions triggering me to have the insecurities I have now.

"Why is your arm so big"

"Why is your nose so flat"

"You need to exercise"

If I wasn't the sweet child I was back then I would've asked her to choke on a pencil. at the same time, I didn't have the courage to talk back to my friends when I was younger.


THE sounds of kids screaming and the speakers boomed through the whole school. The speaker was so loud you couldn't hear your own thoughts. Kids roamed around trying to sell their stuff which were usually small packs of candy or handmade bookmarks.

I have to admit, it was actually pretty cute. Haechan and I bought our coupons and walked around the school area.

"I miss this placeee" Haechan said while doing a twirl while running, I couldn't help but laugh at his childishness.

"You're so immature"

"Maybe that's why I belong here"  He turned his head, gave a sly smirk making me laugh again.

We walked around the school field for a while, haechan embracing the feeling of being back at his old school. As we continued walking down the running ttrac, I saw a familiar figure. He saw me too. it was none other than my brother, Hwang Hyunjin. the person I'd least expect to see at this carnival.

His face lit up as he ran towards me.

"Ryujiiiiinnnnnnn I miss you so much" He hugged me tightly and lifted me off the ground since he was much taller than me. Clearly I didn't get the height genes.

"Don't suffocate your sister bro" A blonde boy with an Aussie accent said. "I'm Chris by the way, you can call me chan"

"I'm ryujin, hwang ryujin"

I was introduced to all of hyunjin's new friends that he met in his new school since we were put into different schools. in return, I introduced them to my roommate haechan. Then I saw the person I didn't wish to see.

Yang Jeongin.

also known as the guy I crushed on for 2 years straight.


"So how is your school life so far? " Jeongin asked as we walked around the track field. The rest and haechan wanted to go to the haunted house or buy food. I decided to pass and jeongin wanted to stay with me.

Damn.. My feelings are mixed at this point.

"School isn't bad I suppose... I have cool friends... Still... An introvert"  I said, sighing at the last part.

Jeongin hummed in response. He had surely grew taller and more handsome. I was never close to him. All my old friends were much closer to him than I ever was. I've known him since I was 9 yet I could never be his close friend, only being able to talk to him every once in a while. And stupid me decides to have feelings for him, just like every other girl in the class.

Now Im 18 , seeing him brings back my old feelings and oh how I hate it.

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