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HAECHAN and ryujin got ready to go out. when haechan finished changing, the doorbell rang.

"coming! " ryujin yelled before opening the door to reveal jeno and jaemin.

"hi ryujin" jeno greeted with his signature eye smile. "hi jeno" she smiled back.

"oh and this is jaemin," jeno introduced the pink haired boy next to him.

"mhm na jaemin, I see you've changed your hair color" ryujin said, squinting at the pink haired boy.
"and I see you didn't change at all hm? " jaemin taunted. the fresh scent of frenemies filled the air. they both put a hand on each other's shoulder at the same time, still glaring at each other.

"hhahaaha that's enough touching" jeno sarcastically laughed while pulling jaemin's hand away from ryujin's.

"ayyyy my boy jaemin" a loud obnoxious voice came from in the house which obviously belonged to haechan.

"ay hey hey lee donghyuck " jaemin greeted back with a large smile on his face.

the two bro hugged before haechan spoke. "well since we're all here together, you guys can go on your little date thing and me and jaemin will go our own ways. so jeno yah, "

jeno looked at haechan. "yes? "

"take care of ryujin and make sure she comes home in one piece" haechan cocked his eyebrow slightly.

"ah yes, of course" jeno smiled. haechan pat his back. "alright, see ya later" with that, he and jaemin left the apartment.


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"so where are we going? " ryujin asked jeno as the two of them walked down the streets together. both in oversized coats.

"do you have anything in mind? " jeno hummed.

"I eat almost everything so anything is fine with me"

"then how about we go eat some nice tteobokki " jeno said with a smile. "very fitting for this cold weather right"

there is was, his precious eye smile.

"hmm sounds good  let's go"

she followed beside jeno like a baby chick and its mum as he brought them to his favorite tteobokki shop, also the only shop he knew.

the waiter brought them to a nice seat by the window and gave them the menus.

"order whatever you want, food is on me" jeno said while smiling.

"we can split the bill you know" ryujin told him but he shook his head. "my treat"


their food came in a large pot that was set in the middle on top of a stove, kinda like how it would be for hotpot. jeno used his chopsticks to put some extra ingredients that he ordered into the pot that was boiling.

they had two small metal bowls in front of them which they used when they took food from the pot.

"here you go" jeno put a piece of tteobokki and some vegetables onto ryujin's plate.

"thank you jeno" she flashed a thankful smile at him before digging into her food happily, enjoying every flavor that touched her tastebuds. jeno could see how much she enjoyed her food.

he watched her as she ate. her head going closer to the bowl to prevent the sauce from splattering onto her clothes. he was somehow fascinated looking at her eat, to him, she looked beautiful while doing it. he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and began eating his own food, finally realizing that he had been staring at her like a creep.

ryujin too noticed how beautiful jeno looked when he ate. how his jaw line became more define as he opened his mouth to eat his food.

she found herself blushing while looking at him, her mouth still stuffed with food. jeno looked up to her while chewing on some tteobokki.

"do I have something on my face" he asked, mouth filled with food making him look like a hamster.

"oh uh, nothing" she laughed awkwardly while stuffing her mouth with food to feel less awkward. jeno chuckled softly before finishing her food.


the food in the pot had soon disappeared to nothing but a small amount of extra soup that they couldn't finish.

ryujin drank her water to flush away the feeling of spiciness in her mouth.

"ryujin ah, you just turned legal right? " jeno asked and she nodded. "do you maybe want some soju or anything? "

"um, I don't think is should be drinking alcohol yet, maybe I will when I have proper supervision aka haechan" she rubbed her neck while giving an awkward smile.

jeno laid back against his chair while taking his cup of water and swirling it around as if it was wine. "haechan is like your dad or something" he said before taking a sip of his water.

"kinda.. yea. I mean, for one, he's older than me, and he's like my older brother. because well... my real brother isn't always with me, he's in college and is like a party kid and maybe a playboy too.. "

jeno could see the hint of sadness in her eyes as she looked away from him. "is that why you are always with haechan and renjun? "

she nodded.

"don't worry, I'm here for you too"

"don't worry, I'm here for you too"

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