read this when you're lonely

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"so that's why you didn't come home last night?!"
HAECHAN yells out in disbelief while ryujin very desperately tries to make him shut the fuck up by covering his mouth and pulling him into a chokehold. "I swear to God I'll literally cut that tongue out of your mouth one day" ryujin tries to force an innocent grin despite the devilish words that came from her mouth. flapping his hands like an injured bird while trying to break free from the chokehold, haechan apologizes. the sorry's that leave his lips come out like a mantra until he's finally released. hands going up to his neck as he takes deep breaths.

"gosh I actually saw a white light- can't believe my soul was going up and not down"

ryujin dusts the haechan off her hands. "right. good for you, but don't go around telling the whole school about this alright? because I just know your computer can't swim"

"there we go again threatening my computer. I'll delete your porn files" he was kicked harshly in the shin, falling to his knees and clutching onto his leg. forcing out tears to gain sympathy from passing students. "she bullied me" he cries, pointing at ryujin who glares down at him.

"I, for a fact, do not watch porn like you"

"yeah right. I discovered your secret twitt-"

her eyes widen with a threatening grin and he shuts up. "well I'm sorry for being a human with hormones" she grits out.

"well hello beautiful friends and this curse named lee haechan" a cheerful voice chirps out, sneaking a hand around ryujin's waist.

"oh haha very funny Mr forehead" haechan slowly gets up, wincing. there was definitely gonna be an ugly bruise on his leg later. "don't go out showing off your pda, not everyone is taken" he gags. everyday it seems like the number of couples increase and it makes him sick. or a better word to describe it is - lonely.

"don't worry hyung. I'll find you and renjun and girlfriend so y'all will stop whining and watching cleaning tutorials at four am"

haechan's lips part slightly, taken aback. "how did you know-"

chenle tuts and waggles a finger at haechan. "tsk tsk tsk, exactly like renjun. seems like there's a study where single men from the ages of 19 to 25 will either watch cleaning tutorials at 4am, or Minecraft tutorials. no in between."

haechan scoffs. "and where did you get that study from huh?"

"I did it by myself. because I'm smart. my proof is my fellow hyungs" chenle gestures to haechan. "you and renjun are single men, aged 21, and my other hyungs, aged 25 and 26, watch Minecraft tutorials at 4am even though they don't even play Minecraft."

haechan rolls his eyes, shooing chenle away. "yea yea whatever, I watch cleaning tutorials at 4am even though I never do the housework"

"glad you admit it" ryujin gently places a hand on his shoulder. "you lazy slob-" she yanks on his ear, feeling like she could rip his ear off any second as he whines cries of apologies.

"chenle yahhh!! " another loud scream is heard accompanied by the tall maknae that ran up to chenle with a surprised look on his face. "you got a girlfriend????? " was the first question to leave his mouth.

suddenly shy, chenle nods. and jisung and chenle begin teasing each other back and forth. hyejin appears a while after behind jisung who immediately greets his girlfriend lovingly. hyejin gives ryujin a teasing punch to the shoulder. "good job loser. I told you you'd get someone" she teases.

"hey, why don't we all go out for lunch. but wait- let me call renjun because I don't fucking want to fifth wheel you guys smh"

"sounds good to me. what about you sung? " hyejin nudges the tall one. "if you're up for it, i am too"

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