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"jisung is your boyfriend?? "

RYUJIN had her mouth hanging open at the words that came out of her best friend's mouth. after a while of unintentionally not talking to each other, they finally had time to catch up with each other.

"when did this happen? "

"well.. maybe like 2 weeks ago? "

"2 weeks?? "

"yep, I didn't tell anyone yet. you're the first one to know. although I think jisung already told a few of his closest friends"

closing her eyes, ryujin still needed some time to process everything.
"oh my god" she pressed two fingers on her temples, closing her eyes and leaning into her arm dramatically.

"what about you, are you with chenle now? "

hyejin's words brought ryujin out of her dramatic moment. the girl was about to babble, annoyed that her moment was ruined, if only the question asked didn't bring her into some type of embarrassment. "no, chenle and I are not dating" she clarified.

"oh really? then you can go date jeno instead"

the girl's head shot up, eyebrow raised with her eyes boring into the girl in front of her. "jeno? "

"I know you're a little dumb and oblivious, but I can tell jeno has liked you for a while now. he literally only tries to act nice around you. I can tell he even forces himself to be nice sometimes. "

ryujin pursed her lips, sighing and closing her eyes once more. "I have something to tell you"

"go on" hyejin answered calmly, waiting for the girl to speak her feelings.

"I know this sounds stupid of me, but I'm crushing on two people right now and I really don't like it" she said, brows furrowing with her bottom lip held hostage by her teeth.

"well, considering you are you and you fall quite easily... " short pause. "honestly I'm not very surprised" the casualness in her tone made ryujin more stressed than she already was after bringing up the subject.

"let me guess... chenle and jeno"

"either you are very smart, or I'm very obvious"

"you're very obvious"

sighing, the girl hid her face in her hands.  " I don't know what to do. I mean it might be one sided anyw-" a harsh slap to the back was sent her way. "what- OW"

"shush" hyejin out a finger to her lips, irritated. "I don't know how oblivious one can be. clearly this is not one sided. for the both of them. " she emphasized. "jeno likes you, and so does chenle"

"they have horrible taste"

hyejin shook her head disapprovingly. "if anything, they have taste, and you're their type. I mean if you think about it hard enough, both of them are nerds. just like you" she gave ryujin a little nudge at the side jokingly. "jeno likes video games, and chenle... well he also likes video games but like you, chenle likes reading manga too. so technically, they're liking the right person. I mean, how often would you be able to find a girl that doesn't find video games or mangas boring. even pick me girls don't stand a chance"

"I mean.. I kinda like games too.. " she mumbled, another slap on the shoulder given right after. but before the girl managed to complain, the other started talking again.  "exactly, you always game whenever you try to save your webtoons.  y'all don't really have a life"

"wha- hey! I do have a life. playing Minecraft builds creativity and imagination while reading boosts your imagination" she said with a frown, not bothering to hide how offended she felt when her own best friend said she has no life.

hyejin laughed. "see? the three of you are the same. you're fun to be around with, I can see why they like you too"
a little smirk was forming at the corners of her lips ryujin didn't like it at all. it only gave her a bigger reason to feel stressed at this minor problem.

"then.. if I had to choose between the both of them... who should I choose"

hyejin shrugged. "if I were you, I'd choose jeno"

"jeno... but why? " she was dumbfounded at how straightforward hyejin was.

"well.. jeno has liked you longer. that's only fair right? "

ryujin was stuttering, struggling to find the right words to phrase a sentence until hyejin placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly, giving it a small squeeze.

"that's just my opinion. you don't need to follow what I say... follow what.. -" her finger pointed to her chest, where her heart laid. "... your heart says"

the sound of shoes clicking on the floor interrupted their conversation. the whole class standing up in sync as the teacher placed her books on the desk.

"good evening Ms Yang" all said in sync.


messy, that's how she would describe her mind right now. all throughout class, she felt a heavy lump on her chest, never finding a right way to sort out her emotions. hyejin's words were flooding her head, the thought of two people liking her made her head spin.


something she never expected would happen to her out of all people. if she told this to her younger self, the same younger self will call her a liar and start throwing books at her, all because she was a bad girl for lying.

all the imaginary guys she imagined crushing on her, imaginary guys she "dated" when she momentarily gave up on finding a new crush, were suddenly coming to life.

although in all honesty, she'd choose lee suho any day.

"pft, she's joking right? I mean, chenle and jeno could find a better girl easily. why me? " she mumbled to herself, having a mini conversation with the air, ranting over and over about all the possibilities, wondering if they were true or just over thinking.

what an oblivious kid.

off I go to disappear again

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off I go to disappear again. goodbye :3

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