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I hummed a tune while walking to the bookstore. Surprisingly there weren't many people walking around, it was as if it was only me. I enjoyed the feeling of being alone, feeling excited about getting my hands on a sweet new book. Either that or I should speed read it so I save money. But it wouldn't be as fun.

As my inner thoughts were quarreling over whether I should buy the book or read it there, my eyes landed on the sight of a brown haired boy lying unconscious on the floor. Naturally, I sprinted there to see if the boy was alive. I shook the boy hoping that he was not dead.

"Hello, excuse me???? " I said repeatedly as I tried to shake the boy. I flipped him over and gasped.

It was chenle.

I put a finger below his nose, thankfully he was still breathing. I didn't know what to do, I kinda regret not listening on how to do cpr in school. With one last resort I called an ambulance. Stupid me should've done it in the first place. I whipped out my phone and dialled the number for the hospital.

"Ryujin? " I heard a faint voice. I looked down to see chenle, his eyes were opened slightly. I ended the call as he began to get himself together. I let him hold on to me for support.

"Chenle are you ok? " I asked him. He rubbed his eyes and then put his hands in his head. "Yea... I'm fine" He said as he slowly got up, still holding onto me for support.

"What happened" I asked him softly. "Oh uh.. My head was hurting just now until I blacked out" He said, still rubbing his head.

"Here I have some water in my bag" I said as i took some water out for the him. "Uh.. It's ok ryujin, I'm fine" He said. "Don't worry chenle, I didn't touch it yet, just drink it " I gave him my bottle. He looked at me before taking a sip of the water. In the end, he ended up drinking half my bottle. When he was done he felt a little embarrassed as I saw his cheeks turn red. "Sorry bout uh... Drinking half   your water" He rubbed the back of his neck. I chuckled. "It's ok le, it was for your own good anyway now get up" I stood up and held my hand out for him to grab as he stood up. He grabbed my hand as he got his balance and stood properly.

"Are you going to the book store? " He asked pointing to the book store in front of us. "Yea I am, why? " "Oh nothing, I'm going too" "Oh, cool" I smiled at him as I entered the book store.


3rd person pov;;

THE two entered the book store. Ryujin instantly going to her favorite comic section to find her new book. Chenle   stood there silently watching her as she flipped through the pages, focusing on reading the book. The ways her eyes moved slowly as she read every sentence in every speech bubble. Somehow, chenle was mesmerized by how focused she was over a simple book. This caused him to smile to himself, unfortunately getting caught by ryujin who gave him the 'what are you staring at " face.

Chenle's ears turned red due to embarrassment as he tried to make up some random excuse. He wanted to talk to her but he didn't know how to.

"So uh.. Ryujin."

The girl looked at him from her book causing chenle to somehow gasp silently, thankfully she didn't hear him. "Yes? " She asked in a soft voice.

"Well uh.. Since the last book you recommended to me was really interesting, could you maybe recommend a new one? " Chenle said.

Ryujin smiled. "Of course. Do you want a comic or a novel? " She asked as she put down her book. Chenle debated in his mind but chose novel.

"Oh well, I have a favorite novel it's called 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" It's really interesting " She walked around looking for the book. When she found it she handed it to chenle. "So basically, a boy named Jacob portman went to wales after his grandfather's death... " Ryujin proceeded to explain a summary of the story to chenle, he didn't mind but somehow his brain blocked out half of what she was talking about, instead he focused on her features. How she paused every once in a while to remember what the book was about. He found it cute.



I felt mesmerized as I watched her explain the book to me. Although I wasn't really listening. My brain blocked out all sounds around me. I focused on her and her only. Her soft pink lips. Her pale skin. And a cute little mole on her rice cake like cheeks. In this small amount of time, I noticed so many things about her that I failed to notice before. How she licked her bottom lip every once in a while, how she pursed her lips while thinking. She makes me feel a sense of happiness. 

Come on chenle, you
know she's seducing you just
like her

She's not like her,
she's different, she's not

When will you realize,
all girls just want you for

I know ryujin isn't
like that.

And how would you
know that? How long
have we met her? She could
have some sort of dark past

Stop playing with his mind

I am part of his mind.
This thoughts come for a
reason. Chenle is scared.
Zhong chenle is scared.

You're making things

Am I? Or am I helping him
prevent the past from

The other voice in my head remained quiet.

You can't even answer
my question.

The other voice in my head seemed to disappear. Did it admit defeat to the other thought in my head? But, I didn't know which to trust. Part of me wanted to believe ryujin was a good person. The other part of me is scared.

I'm scared it will happen again.

I don't want it to happen. I can't let it happen.

But hwang ryujin,
What are you doing to my heart?

But hwang ryujin, What are you doing to my heart?

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