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BOTH our hands gripped onto the book tightly. he glared at me and I glared back.

"For your information I saw it first therefore it is mine" I said while glaring at him, but he didn't seem to care. What did I expect, I'm a stranger anyways. not like I expected him to nicely comply without a fight.

"Well I grabbed it first " His tone was plain, his face barely having any hint of emotion. Maybe he's some kind of robot.

He completely ignored me and yanked the book from my hand anyways, leaving me there without a word as he went to pay for his or..my book. how I wished I could dropkick him right at that moment.


I opened the door and slammed it, causing haechan, who was peacefully on his phone to flinch. He struggled to grab his phone and prevent it from flying to the floor. I threw my bag to the side and plopped face first onto my bed.

"What's wrong" Haechan asked, leaning near my bed, staring at me as I suffocated while lying face flat on my bed.

"Nothing" I let out an almost inaudible mumble that probably on I could understand.


I stood up from my bed and sat up properly to face him.

" I met this kid at the bookstore and he stole the book that I saw first. It was the latest horror manga book. I clearly saw it first, and that bitchass yanked it away from me and left me there" I complained.
Haechan just chuckled, I glared at him with a frown on my face.

"What are you laughing at huh? " I asked, hitting him on the shoulder.
I'm here complaining about this stranger boy and he's just laughing.

"Nothing, you're just cute when you're mad"

I threw a pillow at him.

"you're so useless sometimes"

" I know"

"why did you agree? "

"because I can be useless sometimes"

"well yes but actually no"

"awwww hwang ryujin loves me"

"shut up"


AFTER dinner, I laid on the couch and scrolled through my phone. my fingers mindlessly double tapping nearly every post I saw. but my expression dropped a little when I saw a post by him.


  ● yji.0802

"Glad to have you ❤"


My heart pounded a bit. He hadn't post in a while..... No ryujin no, he's too good for me, get over him. Just get over him...
He doesn't like you anyways. why is seeing this post that isn't even directed at me, giving me some form of anxiety?

I don't know why I'm like this. It's like that feeling, I don't like him, but the slightest thing he does makes my heart thump even if it's not directed at me.

I can't be the only person who feels like this right? Okay maybe I might be the only one.

I closed my eyes and huffed. I got out of my seat and turned off the living room lights, then proceeding to walk back to my room. Haechan was already asleep peacefully by then. so I had no one to complain to. I couldn't text hyejin either, she sleeps early and it was already 12am. naeun is probably busy and I don't trust anyone else. or maybe trust isn't the issue, but the fact not everyone understands how I feel.

I quietly closed the bedroom door and went to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

I sat on my bed, turning off my phone and placing it on the bedside before relaxing on the soft mattress and pillow.

I looked at the ceiling that was engulfed in darkness. I recalled the bookstore incident. I felt annoyed just thinking about that boy. if only I caught sight of his face, I would know exactly who I need to dropkick if we ever meet again.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dejavu thinking about the whole incident.

the whole thing was awfully similar to true beauty. from the manga, to the book store, and even the rude boy.

I think I watch too many movies and read to many fan fictions. I frowned at my own thoughts. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

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