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3rd person pov;;

A month had passed. Chenle and jeno grew closer again like before. Renjun was more than happy seeing his trio back together.

And now, it was winter season. The roads outside were filled with piles of white snow.

"Wow, there's sure lots of cocaine on the streets eh" Haechan joked. Ryujin let out a huff. " back at it with the drug jokes huh, Lee donghyuck? "

Haechan giggled and nodded.

"Aren't you going back to spend Christmas with your parents? " Ryujin asked.

Haechan didn't even look at her before speaking. "They're not in Korea, like usual. Probably somewhere in China doing government works. I'm starting to feel like I was some kind of accident... It was always my grandma who took care of me. She isn't even here anymore... the last time I visited them was after the carnival. it wasn't even enjoyable" he looked down and kicked at the snow.

Ryujin felt bad for haechan and hugged him from the side. "It's ok, I'm here "

Haechan felt his heart warm up despite the coldness surrounding them.

"alright, enough hugs" haechan pulled away from the hug. he tried to put on an annoyed look when in reality he enjoyed his hug.

"aww come on, I know you love hugs" she put on a grin while opening her arms for another hug. she walked closer to him but he put his hand between the two of them before she could go any closer. "nuh uh shortass. we're gonna eat BBQ now, let's not waste time with anymore hugs" he smirked while walking away. ryujin stood there with her mouth open, feeling slightly dumbfounded.

"close ur mouth cupcake before something big goes inside" haechan said while turning to face her. a cocky smile plastered on his face.

she closed her mouth and threw snow at him. "pervert" she muttered.

haechan laughed while dusting the snow off his jacket. "I meant like a ladybug or something, chill cupcake" he giggled. "hurry let's go before the shops become too full" he signalled for her to come which she did while continuously muttered the word pervert to him.

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haechan and ryujin returned home an hour later, stuffed and happy after their meal which haechan (suprisingly) paid for. the two immediately plopped onto their beds as they slowly entered a food coma.

beep beep beep

ryujin slowly opened her eyes. the room had become darker than it was when she fell asleep. she took her phone which was next to her on her bed side table. the light from her phone felt brughter than usual as she squinted to check the time.

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