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WALKING down the hallways, jeno sees ryujin standing by her lockers, talking to hyejin. the two were engaged in a casual conversation of some sort, ryujin leaning against the locker while hyejin stood in front of her, arms crossed in a casual manner as she listens to whatever ryujin is saying. he walks up to both of them, ready to subtly steal ryujin away for a moment, mouth opening to start the show, until someone does it before him.

"ryujin! "

the sight and voice makes him pause in his tracks, mouth closing slowly.

the brunette skips up to ryujin with a happy smile on his face. "wanna get coffee with me later? I got a voucher we can use" he smiles at her, beaming with a bubbly aura.

' coffee? '

he continues watching from afar.

"sure, chenle."

"another date it is then" chenle joked. hyejin gave ryujin a playful smirk, a soft, teasing "wow" escaping her lips. embarrassed, ryujin smacks the other girl, no comeback in mind to save her butt.

'another date... am i, missing out on something? '

jeno took a few steps back, eyebrows naturally furrowing together in mild confusion.
eavesdropping is wrong, it wasn't his business, he shouldn't be affected by it. but he was curious. just a curious little boy.

plus, it was chenle he's talking about. and a date? with the word 'another' in the same sentence? that meant they already went for one date!
jeno could feel his ego slowly deflating thinking about how chenle could already score a date with her before him.

"okay okay, you two enjoy your little date later, I'll go find jisung" hyejin said, closing her locker and giving the pair another smile.

"oh jisung, he's at the basketball court, you might have to wait a while. he has practice" chenle pursed his lips.

"it's okay" hyejin smiled. "I'll wait for him"

"how devoted~" chenle sings.
a teasing look was given to her, chenle sending an additional soft nudge to her shoulder. "have fun hanging out with a sweaty jisung. he looks like he took a fresh shower after every game I swear"

the girl shrugged. "it's not that bad.at least he doesn't smell. he may be drenched but magically, he doesn't smell. he smells like water"

"or maybe you're so blinded by love, you manage to ignore his stench... oof, didn't know love was that strong"

hyejin's sweet demeanour turns threatening when she 'smiles' at chenle. ryujin nudges his side harshly and he apologizes.

"I'll be off then, bye" she waved, smiling sweetly once again at the two one last time before turning her back, walking to the gym where jisung was stuck for practice.

"so... shall we go now? "

"yea give me a moment, I need to shove a bunch of books into my locker"

"alright, alright" chenle leaned against the locker next to her, watching as she shoved books into her locker.... rather harshly which concerned him by the slightest bit.

"good evening, friends"

chenle's ears perk up. once registering who the voice belongs to, he rolls his eyes, fixing his position to look the taller brunette in the eyes.

"hi. jeno" stiff and emotionless, that's how his words came out. "what do you want" he was straightforward, not wanting to have a chit chat with jeno. he wanted to get straight to the point so he could shoo the older male away preferably as soon as possible.

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