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JENO walked ryujin down the cold snowy path. each step they took would make a crunch sound on the fresh icy floor.

"are you cold? " jeno asked seeing the smaller girl shiver next to him.

"n-no I'm fine" she gave a reassuring smile as she rubbed her hands together, trying to warm her hands 'subtly'. her actions weren't missed by jeno.

"you're really bad at lying" jeno said, a slight chuckle leaving his lips when looking at her noticeably shiver.

jeno swiftly grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his own while stuffing their locked hands into his pocket. no words at all. everything happened in one swift moment. even ryujin couldn't process the whole thing fast enough. taking her a few moments to actually realize she was holding jeno's hand in his pocket.

"there, now we're both warm" he said making her look up at him, her mouth hanging open by the slightest bit.

her face was a shade of light pink. hard to notice in this kind of cold weather.

could it be because of jeno's actions or was it just really cold?

probably both.

"ahhhhhhhh" she groaned as she threw her bag on the bed, startling haechan

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"ahhhhhhhh" she groaned as she threw her bag on the bed, startling haechan. her groaning didn't stop until she face planted into her bed, not even bothering to take off her socks or her large coat.

"dude chill. either your gonna spoil your bag or scare me to death" haechan said.

"I like the second option" ryujin answered, lifting her head from her bed and looking at him with a sarcastic smile.

"you can't kill me. you love me" haechan made a kissy face while giggling.

"owhhh don't do that, I feel like slapping you" she said, disgusted while doing a slapping action towards him.

haechan only laughed. "so. what's the problem"

ryujin sighed. "jeno makes me question my feelings"

"what did he do? he didn't touch you inappropriately or anything right? " haechan went into big bro mode.

"no no no, he didn't do anything bad to me" she reassured while proceeding to tell haechan everything.

haechan hummed as she said her story. "I'm no expert but I think jeno likes you"


"ryujin ah" haechan called from outside.

"what do you want" ryujin walked out of their room, still in her pyjamas looking at haechan tiredly.

"follow me out for a movie with chenle and renjun"

"I'm lazy"

"I'll buy you food"

"what are you waiting for? go get ready then. time is ticking"

haechan rolled his eyes. "always a sucker for food. one day someone is gonna kidnap you and use food as bait"

ryujin laughed. "will it work on me? totally"

haechan shooed her away. "hurry and get ready. you're not getting a boyfriend dressed like that"

now it was ryujin's turn to roll her eyes.


"hi renjun"
RYUJIN greeted with a smile as she and haechan met the two Chinese boys at the mall.

renjun greeted her back and hit chenle's arm to signal him to greet her as well. all while maintaining a smile on his face as he looked at ryujin.

"yea um hi ryujin" chenle said with his hands stuffed in the pocket of his hoodie. he looked like an emo teenage boy who was dragged to the mall with his mom.

"so" haechan clasped his hands together. "what do we watch"

"a horror movie" ryujin suggested, excitedly. "I heard there is this new horror movie and I reallyyyy want to watch it"

"hm... sounds good" renjun said.

the boys and ryujin walked up to the counter and purchased their tickets and food.

the 4 of them walked to the designated theatre. renjun looking at the ticket ever so often to make sure they entered the right theatre room.

"alrighhtttt I am pumped to see this new horror movie" haechan smirked while rubbing his hands together.

"oh shut up " renjun said as he sat down. "sooner or later you're gonna get scared and scream until everyone here is gonna get mad at you"

"pfft bet" haechan challenged the older Chinese boy making him chuckle. "deal"


HAECHAN bit onto his shirt trying to muffle his screams. his attempts to scream as quietly as possible obviously failed when renjun noticed how haechan was basically having a mental breakdown next to him.
renjun placed a hand on haechan's shoulder making him flinch, a laugh escaping renjun's mouth. "pussy"


THE 4 exited the movie theatre. every small move scared the shit out of haechan. renjun laughed at haechan ever so often making the younger boy send him death glares.

meanwhile chenle and ryujin were the most unaffected. chenle maintained a straight face while ryujin smiled about how she enjoyed the movie plot.

"I really like how the killer killed the people. like if they did that in real life, the cops will never find out who did it. and his ways of killing is on point. it's quick, and the person dies instantly" she babbled.

"I worry for you sometimes ryujin" haechan looked at her, concerned.

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