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; 3rd person POV ;

"I'm hungryyy"
HAECHAN whined.

they had been walking around the mall for about 30 minutes now, and haechan had been complaining the whole way. each stop they made, like a clothing shop or a book store, haechan would start whining about how hungry he was, only to be ignored by all of them. renjun smiling painfully, pretending he didn't hear anything. he walked faster than the rest, just so he wouldn't have to listen to the younger boy's whining and complaining.

"fine, we'll go get food, you pig" renjun groaned. he had finally gave into haechan when he complained for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

haechan clapped happily, shooting his arms in the air with a victorious childlike cheer. "aww thanks injunnie. I love pigs they remind me of you" he smiled.

"what, why? "

"they're fat and full of shit"

renjun slapped haechan.


AFTER the two boys had a mini fight in the middle of the mall, both slapping each other back and forth with chenle and ryujin awkwardly standing at the corner, clueless of what's going on, they walked to a simple burger shop in the mall. they took a seat and looked at the menu. chenle sat with renjun and haechan sat with ryujin.

they barely glanced through the menu, already knowing very well what they wanted to eat.

"I'll have a cheeseburger" renjun said.

"pig" haechan grumbled under his breath, his words not going unnoticed by the older Chinese male.

"I'm not deaf you piece of shit" renjun glared at haechan with a snarl.

"oops, I thought you were" haechan giggled dramatically before crying out in pain when renjun pinched his arm from across the table. .

"say that again, I dare you" renjun said through gritted teeth while slowly applying more pressure to his pinch. haechan whined in pain, chanting multiple "sorry"s to the older boy. when renjun finally let go of his painful pinch, haechan pouted and rubbed his arm.

renjun noticed it. his face twisting in disgust.

"ew, I feel like punching you" renjun mumbled, while doing a punching motion towards haechan.

"I get that a lot" haechan replied nonchalantly.

renjun ignored haechan by playing on his phone while chenle and ryujin help order their own food. the two of them had already left the table the moment the two older boys began bickering.


RYUJIN and chenle came back with the food a while later. they carefully placed the trays onto the table so that the drink that was on it wouldn't topple. renjun and haechan thanked the two of them before the youngers took a seat back at their places.

ryujin was occupied with her phone and jumped a little when chenle suddenly placed at little plastic container of ketchup in front of her to dip her fries with. the sudden tap of the plastic onto the table startled her more than a horror movie ever would.

chenle giggled at her reaction. his little laughs catching haechan and renjun's attention.

"wow ryujin, you can handle one whole horror movie but you get startled by the sound of a tray" chenle said to her, his smile still on his face.

ryujin gave an embarrassed smile while shrugging, not really knowing what kind of words to say as a reply.

"cutie" chenle mumbled softly, his hand dipping a fry into the ketchup. he thought he was soft when saying that statement, but he wasn't. it only went unnoticed by ryujin herself.

haechan choked on his food.

"did I just hear chenle call ryujin a cutie?! " he said loudly on purpose.

"ah hyung! " chenle whined while slapping haechan's shoulder repeatedly out of embarrassment. luckily for chenle, ryujin had the hearing ability of a spoon, mainly because she was still way too focused on her phone and didn't pay attention to a single thing chenle said.

"yah ryujin ah, the food is already in front of you. eat" renjun instructed. the tone of his voice sounded just like that of a parent. renjun decided to pretend as if he didn't hear haechan yell about chenle calling ryujin a cutie.
yes, he found it cute, but he didn't feel like teasing ryujin. he felt like savoring the moment instead. to tease her about it in the future rather than now.

"fine fine" ryujin put her phone back in her bag before going to take a bite out of her food. "good" renjun mumbled, patting her head, making her awkwardly munch on her burger as he did so.

all of them began eating.

haechan took big bites out of his food and began coughing after choking on a small bit of food once again.

renjun, was unbothered and instead made beats by knocking on the table. "this beat is sick" he wowed, pretending to be a dj and cupping his ear as if he was wearing headphones.

chenle and ryujin cackled.

"ryujin, I'm disowning you" haechan said in between coughs as he glared at ryujin.

she smiled and shrugged before taking another bite of her burger.


guess who finally updated 😔I 've been in a draught for what to write

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guess who finally updated 😔I 've been in a draught for what to write. like I have an imagine book and a few drafts for new books I wanna write.

but if you can, check out my other books too 👉👈

i'll try to update this book more 

don't forget to vote!!

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