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"you look chubbier than before"

RYUJIN'S jaw dropped open. she had just entered her home and she was already getting insulted.

"how much did you eat? "

ryujin glared at donghyuck, the insult got to her and the pettiness was taking over.
"a good amount" she answered in a dull tone, setting her bag at the side and walking off to the kitchen to fill herself a cup of water.

haechan followed behind her like a little puppy.

"I was joking about calling you chubby. you look normal. " haechan said, feeling bad that his small tease actually insulted her. "so.. what did you eat on your little date" he rested an arm on the counter, watching the girl as she gulped down the cold liquid. "ice cream mochi"
haechan snickered. "no wonder." there was a moment of silence. "sometimes, everytime you eat an ice cream mochi, when I see you, it's like you've become one with the mochi"

she looked at him with squinted eyes, not being able to tell if that was a compliment or some sort or insult.

as if sensing her thoughts, haechan quickly elaborated. "in a good way ya know. cute cheeks. very chub and squishable" he poked her cheek, proving his statement. the soft flesh feeling like a warm pillow on his finger.
she wasn't amused.

"whatever" she washed her cup, doing a 180° turn to walk back to the room, closing the door and locking it.

an audible "hey! " was heard from outside.

"I'm going to take a shower! and I don't want you in the room"

ryujin heard haechan groan from behind the thick wood that separated the both of them.

"fine, call me when you're done. I'll watch TV on the couch. " he dragged his feet to the couch, letting his body weight take over as he plopped onto the couch, man spreading and grabbing the remote.


out of the shower, ryujin picked out the comfiest pair if pyjamas she had, all while still being in a towel that was wrapped around her whole body. after shower feelings always hit different. the air felt fresher as well as your body. no wonder some people shower to relieve stress.

banging was heard on the door, with haechan screaming "I need to chuck a piss!!!" from outside.
what a way to ruin the fresh moment.

she put on her pyjamas in a rush, making sure her clothes were properly in place before opening the door; the pee filled boy immediately rushing into the bathroom, locking the door behind him with a loud slam.

and that's what happens when you don't clean the second toilet and no one ever dares to use it.

"I should really get someone to clean that other toilet.. " she mumbled.

*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚

*:..。o○ ○o。..:*


OPENING her locker, ryujin was surprised when she found a little blue note in her locker, a small piece of candy stuck to it under a short text.

had to go to class earlier today so I couldn't meet with you before school starts. have this candy as a way to start your school day!

-l.jn (.◜◡◝) ( a lot of people say this emoji is me lol. do you see a resemblance? keke)

an unknowing smile formed on her face. the little note seemingly brightening her day before it even started. she looked at the candy attached to the note. it was a small piece of caramel candy.
did he know it was her favorite? or was it a lucky guess.

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