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CHENLE and ryujin waved goodbye to the older boys. they stood outside, waiting for them to properly close the shop before hugging all of them and saying their goodbyes.

johnny gives great hugs.

"so, you gonna go home now? " he asked and she answered him with a shrug.
chenle looked at his watch. "six... fifteen" he looked back at the girl. "will haechan be worried? "

she took out her phone and scrolled through it for a moment, the boy looking at her, confused.

"nah, haechan is too busy playing overwatch" she showed her phone to chenle with a blank face. the picture showing a computer screen with a text on the picture.

● @haefullsun 3m

fuck u for winning @nanajaem


"he didn't text asking where you were? "

she checked and scrolled through her phone again. "nope. " she clicked her tongue. "he just asked me to buy him rice cakes when I get home" she rolled her eyes and shoved her phone into her bag. "soooo... since I won't be doing anything when I go home, let's hang till... I don't know 10? "

chenle thought for a while. "sure. let me just tell my mom" he whipped out his phone to text his mom. when he was done, he turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. "what shall we do? "

"hm.. there's a night market at street 127. I'm pretty sure they're open today"

he grabbed her wrist. "let's go then" he dragged her off.

"oh yeah.. where even is street 127? "

she sighed.


IT took 20 unnecessary minutes for them to reach the night market. chenle pulled ryujin along the road, telling her he knew where he was going. after many rounds of circling the same street, ryujin lost her patience and dragged chenle by the ear to where the market was actually located. by the time they reached, chenle's ear was red and painful.

she crossed her arms, standing in front of the night market. chenle let out an awkward laugh. "let's gooo.. " he faked enthusiasm when the girl didn't smile. after another awkward laugh while looking down at the floor, he walked into the market, the girl following behind him.

the market was filled with bright white lights, and so many different smells, you wouldnt even know what you're smelling at that point.
rows among rows of different stands filled the road that was occupied that night specifically for the night market to be opened.

chenle wowed in amazement, not having been to a night market in a while. "holy shit.. " he muttered. his eyes wandered around the place. "so this is what a night market feels like? "

she looked at him with crossed arms. "you've never been to one before? "

"I did, but that was... 2..3 years ago? " he said.

she nodded slowly. "anything you wanna eat? "

"hmm.. " he looked around. "I've tried most of the foods before... "

"have you tried ice cream mochis before? "

"I've only tried regular mochis"

"let's eat that then, I know a stall that serves the best mochis including ice cream mochis" with a grab of the arm, she pulled him through the waves of people to a stall that had a few people working fast to complete the multiple mochi orders.

"what would you like to order? " one of them shouted, pointing at the pair, all while busily making the mochis.

"umm, 2 ice cream mochis please, strawberry flavoured, large" ryujin said, fingers showing a number 2. the worker gave her an okay sign, signalling her and chenle to take a seat while waiting.


"here you go, 8,000 won" two plates of large ice cream mochis were placed in front of chenle and ryujin. ryujin sneaking a hand into her wallet to pay for the snacks. the worker bowed and walked off.

she looked at her food, smiling and rubbing her hands together. she was excited to eat her favorite snack. a little pricey, but it was worth it.
she didn't hesitate to take the soft snack, putting it into her mouth, hummjng in delight when she tasted the coldness of the ice cream inside.

seeing how much she enjoyed the snack, chenle took a bite as well, eyes widening when his taste buds were filled with sweetness.
"wOw" his voice cracked. "this is better than I thought! " his eyes turned into crescents as he smiled, satisfied.

the girl who was already halfway finished with her mochi, nodded. "I think I'm gonna order more" she said, mouth still filled with the snack.

"I'll pay for the next one" chenle said, pointing at himself whilst taking another bite.

she shrugged. "sure, then we can rotate if we keep getting more"


"I.. want mo-"

"no, chenle, we ate.. 5 already... " ryujin mumbled, stopping chenle from ordering his sixth plate of ice cream mochi.

he began whining. "this is all your faulttt I can't stop thinking about it anymore. you're gonna make me fat"

she snorted. "that'll be cute" the image of a chubby cheeked chenle displayed in her head, the thought of it made her ears red and filled butterflies in her tummy.

"but I'll be fat" the big fat pout he had on his face resembled an angry toddler.

"and I said that'll be cute. "


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