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"Yah, zhong chenle"

JISUNG snapped his fingers in front if my face. I flinched slightly at his actions and proceeded to give him a slight glare.

He interrupted my beautiful thoughts.

And by beautiful thoughts I mean I'm just over thinking everything from this morning.

Where is that haechan guy?

I rather see him everyday with her instead of with jeno.

What's there to like about that cold man anyways. He hasn't shed any form of emotion since that fight we had.

But at the same time, I should've listened to him.

And because of his ego, we haven't spoke since, instead we ignored each other and annoyed each other in a bad way that we feel like punching one another. it nearly happened, but we don't talk about that.

I sighed.

I guess... I do miss the memories I had with jeno.

But no he can be irritating like now, he's just getting in my way and I swear I want to choke him but I'm a good person so I won't. For now that is.

"Class, today we have a new student, she just transferred here from jeju so please welcome her" The teacher spoke suddenly.

A girl walked into the class.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

The she devil herself.

And the cause of my broken heart.

Cha Eunhye.

"It really is a small world isn't it"

I tried my best not to break the pencil in my hand.

Every word that came out of her mouth was annoying.

I could tell jisung was confused. I understand that. No one knows that I dated someone before. Only renjun and jeno. No one needs to know anyways. I wanna pretend as if I have been single since 2001.

I looked over at her with the fakest smile I could create.

"Let's get one thing straight. I don't like you" I told her.

She scoffed as she rolled her eyes to the other direction.

"Says the person who begged me to not to leave a few years ago" She said, looking back into my eyes.

She's really the devil.

"And I have it on video"

My eyes widened. "You what?! "

She smirked and nodded. She took out her phone and tapped around before showing the screen to my face.

She played a video.

It was me.

2 years ago.

On the floor.

Tears rolling down my eyes as I begged on my knees, begging that she wouldn't leave me.

She pulled away the phone from my face.

"I see you have created a lovable image here, what a shame if they see this video of zhong chenle crying on his knees just so that i wouldn't leave" Her smile was wicked.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Or would I? " She raised an eyebrow. "I'll make this simple zhong, do as I say, and you can keep your image. Or should I show that girl you like this video. How pathetic you would seem"

"How did you know who I like... " My sentence felt like a whisper now.

"Since when do I not know anything? "



"Ryujin ah" I ran up to her as she walked out of the school gates. She turned around to face me, smiling and greeting me as she saw me.

"You're gonna walk home right? " I asked her.

She nodded.

"Do you think.. I could walk you home? I mean it's not safe for you to go home alone right? "

She seemed to give it some thought for a while before speaking. "You sound exactly like haechan".

" So is that a yes? " I asked with a spark of hope forming in my chest.

"Yes jeno, it's is" She chuckled.

I smiled brightly and she smiled too.

"You have a beautiful eye smile jeno, this is why you should smile more, you can capture girls hearts" She told me.

"T-then... " I stuttered. "Do you think I can  capture yours? "



"Thank you for walking me home jeno, I appreciate it" I thanked him.

"No problem, it's a short walk anyway" He replied while giving a small laugh.

"Walk home safe ya" I told him.

He saluted to me. "Yes ma'am" He waved at me before leaving.

How cute.

"Ryujinnnnieeee" I heard haechan call me with an aegyo voice.

I let out a soft sigh before going into the bed room.

"Yes haechannie? " I replied back with an aegyo voice, playing along with hin.

"Ew it doesn't work when you do it, it sounds so cringey" He fake barfed. I smacked his arm.

"Yah, you're no better than me" I told him as he rubbed his arm.

"Ya ya... Anyways, did jeno walk you home? " He asked me. I nodded. He gave a thumbs up. "Nice guy, definitely recommended you to date him"

I smacked him again.

"Owwww what was that for?? " He pouted.

"Nothing, it just looked like you were asking me to smack you" I replied.

"I didn't- OW! " I smacked him again.

"I'm gonna make us ramyeon for dinner now" I smiled while patting his arm and leaving to cook.

"Tsk, she's so weird. That's why we're friends" I heard him mumble from afar.

This boy really knows how to make me smile.

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