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I paid for my book and left the book store.


I would be home earlier than the curfew my parents gave me.
It doesn't matter though. I just wanna read this book. I feel oddly excited to read this book. It feels weird.... I looked at the book in my hand. My lips curved into a small smile. This feeling is weird. how many times have I said weird already..



I looked at my phone. It's already 10pm , I have to go back. My eyes felt heavy after reading for so long. Thankfully, I finished reading my book. I put my phone into my pocket and left the book store. I began walking home, enjoying the cool night breeze. the walk home felt refreshing, but the dread to go back was strong. I wanted to flop onto a bed and sleep, but in my head, I feel like the house will reek of some kind of smell. not something smelly, but the thick scent of sexual tension somehow. maybe alcohol too.

I was walking peacefully until someone said, "Isn't it dangerous for a girl like you to be walking home alone this late at night" I flinched hearing the unknown voice, even more concerned since it sounded directed at me. My head instantly thought to all the horror movies I've watchedbefore. How a majority of the victims had gone through this kind of situation before getting brutally murdered in an alleyway.

"I'm disappointed, you can't even recognize my voice" There was a hint of sadness in the voice. my face twisted in confusion as I tilted my head. I stopped walking a turned around.  "Je...no? "

"You finally recognized me huh" He took a few steps towards me.

"Why are you walking home so late at night? not to mention you're walking alone" He asked looking down at me. I  felt embarrassed by the height difference for a moment, having to look up as if I was staring at a giant. Yes I was kinda tall but he was still a head or more taller. one day I'm going to destroy all the kneecaps.

"I just went to the book store and now I'm going home" I used my thumb to point the direction where I was headed.

He smiled softly and nodded.

"But isn't your house that way? " He pointed to the other direction.

"Oh that um... I'm living with my brother for the weekend cuz haechan is with his parents and he doesn't want me to be alo-, wait... How do you know where I live? "

Jeno chuckled.

"Haechan and renjun talk about you a lot. " He smiled showing his famous eye smile. "And I came to the dorm before , when you went back to visit your parents"

My mouth formed an "O". He giggled.

" Well, I gotta get going although I don't want to" I shrugged.

I spun on my heel and began to walk before he called me again. "Wait ryujin, let me walk you home"


"So you don't want to go home because your ex crush is there and all your brothers friends have girls over? "

I hummed in response.

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