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"Wake up haechan.... " I said softly as I began shaking haechan lightly. He was still lying in bed, eyes closed and groaning. "I don't feel so good today ryujinie..... " His voice was weak and his face showed clear signs of discomfort. I put my hand on his forehead and yep... It was warm.

I clicked my tongue, staring at haechan who sprawled all his limbs on the bed like a starfish"Looks like you have a fever hyuck.. "

He groaned while lifting his head to look at me with a frown . "yea no shit sherlock. My tummy hurts too" He clutched his stomach and rested his head back on his pillow.

"I think I have medicine and a fever pack. " I stood up and began to walk out.

"You think?! Omg ryujin I'm gonna die in this small dorm" His continued rolling from side to side still clutching his stomach and whining dramatically.

"imagine this headline, high schooler lee donghyuck found dead in his small cheapest apartment because he doesn't keep medicine in his cabinet"
he made a gesture in the air, picturing the imaginary news headline.

He's sick yet he's still acting like a drama king.

I walked out into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. "There it is" I breathed out as I grabbed the medicine that we surprisingly had. Then I walked to the fridge to grab the fever pack, also pouring a glass of water for haechan because I'm a good person.

"Here you go " I handed haechan the medicines and the glass of water. He sat up properly and I put the fever pack on his forehead as he ate the medicine. his eyes squeezed shut when the cold patch was placed onto his warm forehead, his mouth twisting as if he just ate something sour.
"Thanks ryujin" He mumbled softly. he closed his eyes and flopped back onto his bed.

"I guess I can't go to class today either" I said. Haechan put his hand on my arm. "Don't skip class because of me. Just go"

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you sure hyuck? What if you're too weak to do anything? I won't be here for you" I began panicking. What if something bad happened to him when I was gone. or was I just over thinking too many scenarios of a sick boy who should clearly be able to protect himself at his age.

haechan furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, I'm sick. Not weak. Now go change, class is gonna start soon"

"Okay okay" I got up and grabbed my uniform from the closet and changed.

Before leaving, I filled up haechan's cup and put a jug of water on his nightstand. I made him a sandwich and put it by his nightstand too.

"Bye hyuck" I waved goodbye to him and he weakly waved back. "Have fun in school. Be safe cuz I won't be there to walk you home."

I nodded and left the house.



began walking to school. At least school isn't so far away. the walk was boring. without haechan, it was nothing but silence.

then, from the distance, I could see a familiar figure walking ahead of me. It was jeno.

I ran to catch up with him. then I wouldn't have to walk alone.

"Hey jeno" I tapped his back and smiled. "Oh hi ryujin" He said back with a smile.

"You know, you look pretty when you smile. You should smile more jeno" I said to him.

"I only smile when I'm happy" He replied.

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