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"ah- ryujin!"

CHENLE'S voice begins to crack. hands on his lips with a smile that symbolizes how dead he feels inside right now.

he had just confessed to her, unintentionally.
it was supposed to be more romantic, not over a phone call because he thought she was renjun.

crap, how do I explain this-

"sooo" chenle drags out his words, pacing around in a circle. "you're probably veryyyyy confused. haha.... uh... I can explain"

"do you wanna meet up? "

that was easier than I thought,,

"yeah! sure. hhahahahaha I'll uh... see you outside school?"

"Mhm, sounds good"

"yeahhhhh coool. bye" another voice crack before he hangs up, dropping to his knees and having a mental breakdown.
"she sounds so calm??? I just confessed and she sounds so calm??? does that mean she doesn't like me back because she's showing neutral reactions or-" he stands up. "is she just normal"


deep breath chenle, deep breath.

with an exhale, he turns on his heel, walking out of school.

"I'm fine. totally fine. this is all gonna go well and if it doesn't, I'll date my dog.... wait that's not right, my dog is like my daughter that's incest- ... no! it's incest and bestiality oh goddd" chenle cries out as he walks, all these stupid questionable thoughts popping into his head really making him question if he's on the brink of insanity.
the gate is right in front of him, but he doesn't expect to see ryujin already there.
"I thought her class ends in 10 minutes... "

he jogs up to her.


picking at the skin on the side of her thumb, ryujin isn't exactly as calm as chenle thought she'd be. just the day before she told jeno she had a crush on chenle, and the day after chenle confesses?
what a miracle.

"am I really possibly walking out of school with a boyfriend now-? my younger self would be beaming, I really thought I would be a spinster"

sounds of shoes hitting the pavement make her turn around, meeting face to face with chenle. a little sweat dribbling down the side of his forehead. "hey" he gives a tired smile, fixing his posture, trying to look presentable.


the atmosphere is thick with awkwardness.

chenle shifts his weight from one leg to the other, hands behind his back.

a few minutes pass by with nothing but silence, quietly killing both of them on the inside. yet neither of them had no idea what to say to the other.

with a deep breath, chenle speaks. "ryujin, why don't we go to some place... nicer"

"what place do you have in mind?"

a very cliche place, actually.

"let's go to the park"


the walk to the park wasn't any better. in fact, it was even more quiet.

let's have no regrets now chenle, do something,,,

"about the confession" chenle begins. "I actually wanted to do it more... romantically, but since I accidentally pressed your number instead of renjun's.. all that happened"

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