Chapter 39

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Warnings: it's pretty obvious by now

Rating: SFW

A girl with black and silver hair was playing with her sister with the same hair color in a beautiful garden. The girls were laughing as they chased each other around. A woman was watching them play and saw the time.

"Yui! Roxy! Time to head home!" she said.

"Aww, do we have to?" Roxy asked.

"Yes. Your father is expecting us back."

"Okay." Yui and Roxy ran over to their mother and headed back to the castle. On their way back, they stopped at a small shop so that their mother could pick up some flowers. As they were walking back to the castle, a giant Heartless had appeared.

"Get behind me, girls," their mother said. Yui and Roxy hid behind their mother as she summoned her weapon. She fought the Heartless but it stabbed her before she could attack.

"MOMMY!" Yui and Roxy yelled. Their mother fell to the ground, blood coming out of her. The Heartless walked away and they ran over to their mother.

"Mommy! Wake up!" Yui said.

"Come on, mommy! Please wake up!" Roxy said. A Dark Corridor opened up and their father walked out of it.

"Daddy, help!" Yui said. Their father ran over to them and placed their mother on his lap.

"What happened?" he asked.

"A-a giant monster came and attacked us," Roxy sobbed. Their father quickly grabbed a potion and used it on their mother but it didn't work.

"No..." he said.

"Is she...?" Yui asked.

"I'm afraid so." The girls sobbed and hugged their father. A few weeks later, there was a funeral for their mother. Everyone had attended. Their father, their uncles, and their aunts. After the funeral, their father locked himself in his office. The girls looked at the closed door, wanting to go in.

"Come on, little ones. Let's give your father a minute," one of their uncles said. The girls followed their uncle to the seating area and everyone did their best to make the girls smile again.


Yui looked at her locket that had a picture of her and her mother on it. She closed the locket and hid it in her pocket.

"So, where do you think this Spirit is?" Roxy asked.

"I don't know. But I think we should start in Hollow Bastion. Father might head there to take care of the Keyblade wielder," Yui said. The girls summoned their weapons and headed into Hollow Bastion.

 The girls summoned their weapons and headed into Hollow Bastion

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The train rolled out into the open sky. Soon, the train pulled onto the base of a mysterious tower, emblazoned with moons and stars like the train. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy left the train, which then disappeared, leaving only the tracks. Sora giggled nervously.

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