Chapter 58

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warnings: do I even need to say it

rating: SFW

"WHAT THE HELL?!" the twins shouted.

"Eek!" Rumi yelped.

"How did she go missing?! You were the one with her!" Roxy said.

"I don't know. We passed out and the next thing I knew, she was gone," Sora said.

"Grr...She should've stayed with us. That way, she wouldn't have been kidnapped!" Yui said.

"Did you see who kidnapped her?" Xemnas said.

"No. Both of us were knocked out cold," Sora said.

"Well, I know that you'll find her. You always have. Now we must get back to the task at hand," Yen Sid said.

"But–" Roxy said.

"Roxy," Xemnas warned. Roxy scoffed and listened to what Yen Sid, Xemnas, and Ansem had to say.

"Long ago, in the age of fairy tales, the World was filled with light–a gift, many believed, from an unseen power known as 'Kingdom Hearts.' You see, Kingdom Hearts was protected by its counterpart, the 'Chi-blade,' so that none could ever lay hands on its mysteries. But in time, the World was overrun by legions who wanted the light all for themselves, and the first shadows were cast upon the land. These warriors crafted 'Keyblades' in the image of the original Chi-blade, and waged a great war over Kingdom Hearts. We call this the 'Keyblade War.' But though the war extinguished all light from the World, the darkness could not reach the brightness inside every child's heart. With that light, the World was remade as we know it today, with countless smaller worlds shining like stars in the sky. As for the real Chi-blade, it did not survive the battle. The two elements that created it, one of darkness and one of light, shattered into twenty pieces–seven of light; thirteen of darkness. And as for the source of all light–the one true Kingdom Hearts–it was swallowed by the darkness, never to be seen again. As long as it remains there, even the brightest world will have its dark corners. After all, light begets darkness, and darkness is drawn to light. For this reason, some decided to use the Keyblade– a weapon designed to conquer the light–to defend the light instead. These were the first heroes of the Keyblade," Yen Sid said.


Sora awoke in Traverse Town with a jolt.

"Where is he?" he asked. He looked over and saw that Rumi and Yui were with him.

"Rumi! Yui!" he said.

"Wh-why am I back here?" Rumi asked, nervously.

"It's okay, Rumi. Sora and I are gonna protect you. Right, Sora?" Yui said.

"R-right," Sora said.

"Hey Sora. Who were you talking about?" Rumi said.

"Before I fell asleep, Neku said that he and that creep in the coat had a 'deal.' But what was the deal? Are the two of them in league? That can't be right... We never even found Neku's partner. I guess we should just take a look around," Sora said.

"Agreed," Yui said. The three of them made their way to the First District and found a hidden entrance to the Post Office beneath the tall mailbox in the square. Through there, they traveled to the Fourth District.

"Wow! Never been this way before!" Sora said.

"Neither have I!" Rumi said. The three of them spotted a large stadium with balloons.

"Ooh! What's that?" Rumi said. The three of them saw a young kid talking to a Moogle.

"Hey, um...any chance you're Neku's partner?" Yui asked.

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