Chapter 12

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Warnings: Fluff/angst?Rating: SFW

(pouty Sora is my new favorite thing)

You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy had arrived in Olympus Coliseum. The four of you entered the Coliseum Gates, where two giant golden statues of gladiators clashing swords stood around the entrance. The four of you walked across the grounds and entered the Coliseum. Walking into the dim lobby, the cracks in the stone visible underfoot, a satyr was putting up a sign on the wall near an entrance. A "closed" sign was tied in the dark doorway and a large pedestal was placed against a wall near a lit torch. You and Sora walked up to the busy-looking satyr.

"Um..." you said.

"Good timing. Give me a hand, will ya? Move that pedestal over there for me," the satyr said, not looking at you two, and pointed to the pedestal, still facing the sign on the wall.

"I gotta spruce this place up for the game," he said. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked over to the pedestal and attempted to move it, but it didn't budge.

"It weighs a ton!" Sora said. The four of you went to go talk to the satyr again.

"It's way too heavy!" Sora said.

"What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little—" the satyr said as he turned around, expecting to see someone much taller. He looked down at you and Sora.

"Oh. Wrong guy. What're you doing here?" he said as he hopped down to your level and gaited toward Donald, who backed away. 

"This here's the world-famous Coliseum—heroes only! And I got my hands full preparing for the games. So run along, pip-squeaks," he said. Sora pouted and the satyr put his hands on his hips.

"Look, it's like this," Phil said as he paced around. "Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum."

"You've got heroes standing right in front of you," Donald said as he crossed his arms. Goofy placed his hands on you and Sora's shoulders and the two of you smiled.

"Yup. He's a real hero chosen by the Keyblade! And she has the power of a spirit!" Goofy said.

"And we're heroes, too," Donald said, pointing to himself.

"Heroes? Those runts?" Phil asked shocked. He laughed loudly, slapping his large belly.

"What's so funny? We've fought a bunch of monsters!" you said.

"Hey, if you can't even move this..." Phil said as he attempted to push the pedestal forward, making no progress.

"You can't call yourself..." He tried pushing with his back against it, his hooves slipping on the floor. Sora crossed his arms sternly.

"A hero!" He wore himself out and sat on the ground, trying to catch his breath.

"Okay, so it takes more than brawn," Phil said as he stood back up.

"Well, well, let's see what you can do. This trial is tough. You got what it takes? You ready?" he asked.

"I'm ready!" Sora said.

"Me too!" you said.

"Okay, kids. Let's see what you've got," Phil said. You and the others entered the Coliseum, where several piles of barrels were set up around the arena.

"The rules are simple: Bust all the barrels within the time limit. Ready? Go!" Phil said. You and Sora took down all the barrels with seconds to spare.

"Not bad! For beginners, that is," Phil said. You and Sora blasted through a harder course.

"Hey, you're better than I thought!" Phil said. You and Sora soon returned into the lobby.

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