Chapter 51

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Warnings: same as the last chapter

Rating: SFW

A girl with blonde hair and wearing a coat that looked like a bunny ran around what looked like Traverse Town, trying to find a way out. 

(you can ignore the yoshinon puppet

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(you can ignore the yoshinon puppet. this character doesn't have it)

She heard the sound of the Nightmare Dream Eaters and saw that they were getting closer. She found an abandoned building and ran inside.

"Please don't find me," she repeated. She heard the growls go away and relaxed a little.

"I need to find a way out of here," she said to herself.


The twins and the Twilight Trio returned to you and the others and they headed through the Library, and you all walk into the Computer Room. You all saw a desk with several monitors.

"There!" Mickey said.

"We found it!" Sora said.

"How does it work?" you asked.

"I can handle it," Pence said. He sat down at the computer and started pressing buttons.

"Okay... Here we go... Ah!" he said.

"What's wrong?" Hayner asked.

"I can't go any further without a password."

"Do ya have any idea what the password might be?" Mickey asked. You, Sora, and the twins thought for a moment.

"Well, we only got this photo..." Goofy said as he took out the photo.

"And the salty-sweet ice cream bar!" Donald said.

"Yeah, the one Donald ate up," Sora said.

"It was in the box right next to the photo," Goofy said.

"Hey, that's it! Ansem the Wise loved ice cream!" Mickey said.

"Okay, what's the name of the flavor?" Pence asked.

"The name of the ice cream was...Sea-salt ice cream," you said. Pence typed in the password.

"It worked!" he said. The odd machine near the wall buzzed to life.

"Let's go!" Yui said.

"We'll be here to hold down the fort," Hayner said.

"Say hi to Kairi!" Olette said.

"You bet!" Sora said. You, Yui, Roxy, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Mickey entered the machine and are turned to data. The seven of you reemerged in the Computer Room.

"Are we back in the same place?" you asked.

"Look!" Roxy said. You all saw that the computer was completely totaled.

"This is the other Twilight Town. Roxas's Twilight Town," Yui said. Sora pictured Roxas smashing the computer to pieces.

"There's gotta be an entrance into the dark realm somewhere. Let's split up," Mickey said. He ran into the Basement Hall and you all followed him. Inside, the seven of you saw a black and green portal of light.

"There..." Sora said.

"This is it," Mickey said. The seven of you entered the portal and found yourselves in Betwixt and Between. Nobody symbols floated everywhere in all directions. Yui and Roxy looked nervous as they looked at the symbols.

"What is this place?" you asked.

"Well, which way should we go?" Donald asked.

"Riku! Kairi!" you and Sora called. Suddenly, you and the others were surrounded by Nobodies. You all tried to fight, but they just kept coming.

"It's no use!" Sora said.

"Don't stop moving, or the darkness will overtake you!" Axel said.

"Uncle Axel!" Yui and Roxy said. Axel jumped in and sliced at a few Nobodies with his chakram.

"Get goin'!" he said.

"Why?" Yui asked.

"Don't ask. Just do it!" Two Nobodies pulled Axel to the ground. The twins summoned Sapphite and knocked the Nobodies away.

"You okay?" Roxy asked.

"I kidnapped Kairi, but she got away from me. After that, Saïx caught her. He's a member of Organization XIII. Saïx. Got it memorized? Now go save her!" Axel said. A Dusk appeared, flying at you and the others. Sora whirled around and knocked it out.

"Leave us alone!" he said. You and the others fought the Nobodies, but the horde showed no signs of slowing down.

"I think I liked it better when they were on my side," Axel said.

"Feeling a little...regret?" you asked.

"Nah...I can handle these punks. Watch this!" He jumped into the center and focused his energy. His chakram spun around him spouting fire. He screamed, creating a gigantic torrent of flames that obliterated the Nobody horde.

"Woah!" You and the others said. You all saw Axel lying on the floor. You and the others rushed over to him.

"You're...fading away..." Yui said.

"Well, that's what happens when you put your whole being into an attack. You know what I mean? Not that Nobodies actually HAVE beings...right? Anyway, I digress. Go, find Kairi. Oh, almost forgot... Sorry for what I did to her," Axel said.

"When we find her, you can tell her that yourself," Sora said.

"Think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? Haven't got one." Axel laughed weakly.

"Axel, what were you trying to do?" you asked.

"I wanted to see Roxas. He...was the only one I liked... He made me I had a heart. It's kind of...funny... You make me feel...the same... Kairi's in the castle dungeon. Now go."

"Uncle...Roxas?" Roxy asked. Axel held up his hand and opened up a portal.

"Uncle Axel," Yui said. Axel faded completely away with the smallest flicker of flame. Yui and Roxy started to cry at the loss of their uncle.

"We gotta go," Sora said.

"You're right," Yui said. The twins quickly wiped away their tears and joined you, Sora, Donald, and Goofy who stood before the portal.

"This leads to..." you said.

"Aw, come on! Let's get going!" Donald said. You, the twins, and Sora walked through the portal with Donald, Goofy, and Mickey, exiting into the alley of a dark city. Mickey walked back to the street and looked up at the sky. You, the twins, Sora, Donald, and Goofy ran to see what he's looking at, a giant flying fortress almost covering a heart-shaped moon. It seems a haunting welcome to The World That Never Was.

"Home," Roxy said.

"Yep. It feels scary to be back here almost," Yui said.

"Axel said Kairi's in the dungeon," Sora said. Thunder sounded from the sky and dark clouds swirled.

"Then we better find a way to get to that castle!" Mickey said. Everyone nodded and headed towards the castle.

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