meeting again

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Jeff The Killer

You walked down the store's hall, smiles were covering people they think everything fine but anything could happen. Your

the shift ended, you walked out the door, went to your car, and drove home, you had this odd feeling that something was with

you. You looked around, pushing the feeling aside but you did keep a sharp eye out just in case. You got to your house

opening the door, the feeling of evil and hate lingered inside the house. You closed the door you felt some pain in your
lower back you looked around and saw the same guy but there was fresh blood on his knife, it didn't bother you any bit.
Everything went black with pain in the stomach.

Ben drown

You looked at the laptop yea it was smashed but now you had nothing to play on, so you went to the store to buy games, and a man walked up to you.

"Would you like to buy a game?" He asked calmly

you had a bad feeling about this one but you wanted a game as well.

"How much mister?" You asked suspiciously

he looked at you, he began to smile it creeped you out.

"Five dollars it was my son's game then he died he loved to give, a sweet boy but he was found in the river wearing a pink outfit and holding his game."

Oh, a poor man lost his son, you wanted to help his boy's dreams happen.

"Ok sir I'll buy it," you said with a smile."

You paid and he gave you the game, you ran home and plugged it in, you saw a name file called Ben but left it, a sad thing. The TV began to glitch out, the boy from yesterday popped out. You freaked out and threw the table at the TV, he jumped back in before the TV was smashed.

lost silver

You turned on the game and were welcomed to the same thing, you closed your eyes and were in the same room, you looked around there stood the guy.



He looked shocked but smiled, the room did smell bad but this guy looked like he needed a friend.

"So why are you here most sell me or give me away?" He asked looking down.

"Oh, you looked like you needed a friend." You spoke with a big smile

he smiles and the blood stopped flowing from his eyes, he looked happy.

"Thanks," He said happily

Ticci Toby

You walked to your room with a bat, you were not dealing with that pervert. You got to the door, the cold air hit you.

Anger was lingering in this place, the room was always warm. You walked in more than the door slammed shut

causing you to turn, a figure was against the door it was hard to see them but you could tell the figure is male.

"Who's there?" You asked in fear.

Your body shakes like a leaf in a wind storm. The figure walk closer, the smell of death is on him. You stood their fear

hold you down, you felt his hand go around my neck, and you couldn't breathe.

"You are a pain, I like to get rid of those you know." He hissed squeezing your neck tighter.

Everything went black but the sound of a scream filled the room before you fully passed out.

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