when he meets your your parents/ guardian

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Jeff the killer
Your parents wanted to meet your boy friend and you thought it was a bad idea because your parents wanted every thing right. You looked out the window hoping they forgot or had another plan. yet you wished they showed up.
" don't worry" Jeff said with hope your parents like him.
You nodded starring out the window less stressed about the drama that might mess your life up. A car pulled in your drive way. your parents looked displeased due to how small the yard and house was. You opened the door for your parents huffed in anger thinking your boyfriend would do it.
" So where's your boyfriend or did he ditch out like the last one, and trust me if we don't like him you will be with Joe. His family rich and he has a big house and he can support you". you mother said with no hope for your boyfriend.
" He in the kitchen cooking, he wanted me to greet you first because it brings family closer" you said lying
" aaahhh a family man, I like the sound of him" your father said pleased.
" At least he can cook, does he have a job" your mother said finding a thing she didn't like about him.
" Yes he does, he wants me home and safe while he works in a dangers place" you said in an angry tone
You father nodded while your mother huffed not pleased. They walked into the kitchen and saw Jeff they sat down. they paled when they saw his face. you all eat, but your mother couldn't get over his looks.
Jeff looked up from his dish with a sad look. you stood up slamming your hands on the table. you went to yell but Jeff talked
" ma'am the only monster is you. you want her to hook you with a dick head and I bet you didn't know he's a player, he would break her faster then a Miley Cyrus career" Jeff said calmly.
Your mother ran out while your father shook Jeff hand.

Ben drowned
Ben ran to your room trying to put the tux on. you stood in front of the door waiting for your parents to come. The door slammed open with your mother wearing shorts and a rainbow tang top while your father wore his tux, his smile not there but just a dark frown.
" WERE YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HE GETTING READY OR IS HE DOING SOMETHING ELSE" your mother yelled scaring your poor father.
" I'm here" ben yelled falling down the stairs.
Your mother laughed while your father looked at him and walked out finding his answer. you paled your father always got his way, like you never getting a birthday party because of him. Your mother helped ben up, and head to the kitchen to get a  bite to eat. Your father walked in sitting down
" hungry sir " Ben asked nicely.
Your father nodded, he watched Ben's every move which creeped Ben out. Ben handed your father meat and potato's, your father looked at it. He began to eat, after the meal your father started to like Ben.

Lost silver
Your parents wanted to meet your boyfriend, but knowing your father he would beat silver. Your parents walked in. your mother looked at your floating boyfriend and smile hoping he was nice. Your father walked to your boyfriend so you grabbed silver hugging him so your father didn't hurt your baby. You all went to the kitchen and ate. your father looked at silver darkly
" sweaty I want you to date another person and not a monster " your father hissed.
" I may be a monster but I don't treat females as garbed unlike you, don't acted like the victim you want you wife and child as puppets. if you don't want her to date me then be a man and face the truth that time changed were female and male have the same with power" Silver hissed back, his eyes turned black as blood dripped from his eyes.
Your father ran out while your mother smile feeling free. she looked at silver with joy
" (Y/n) I'm gonna divorce your father like you wanted me to do" You smiled " You can date my child" she spoke calmly.

Ticci Toby
You father was on his way because he found out you had a boyfriend. You looked at you boyfriend and saw his in his tux and it looked good on him. his hair was messier and his bags under his eyes were darker but that was the lack of sleep, from your father who he didn't meet. Toby walked back and forth so you followed him knowing he was worried because your father might hate him.
" TOBY STOP" you yelled causing the killer to jump landing on his butt.
A knock came from the door and you knew it was your father. You sighed helping Toby up and walked to the door while Toby dusted himself off. Your father stood in the door way, he had bags under his eyes it bother you because he went to the war. It didn't bother him killing people or watch his team die, the only thing that bothered him was watching his sister, brother, and wife die in front of him. His sister die from a bullet, his brother from a bomb, and his wife giving birth to his angle (Y/n). he just wished you could have a normal birth but you were born in an tank heading home because you parents thought it would be ok having sex in a tent during the war. He looked at toby grabbing him.
" stand up straight" he yelled in toby's face
" I can't I have back problems " Toby said calmly .
" Why are you dating my angle"
" I like her personality"
" have you watched any one died" he asked with a creepy look
" yep my sister in a car accident, she was my only family I cared for"
" why is that"
" my father care for his booze then his family, my mother is a druggy she stole my sisters clothing and my toys for her drugs my aunt is a slut and my grand parents tried killing me as a infant, my sister cared for me till she died" Toby said trying not to cry but failed badly.
You father hugged Toby. he told Toby how you were born.

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